This is a simple Python script for preprocessing EEG signals stored in a XDF file, the format commonly used to store data streamed using LabStreamingLayer (LSL).
The preprocessing steps are the following:
- Apply notch filter (50 or 60 Hz, depending on which country was the data recorded).
- TODO: Remove bad channels.
- High-pass filter at 1Hz to remove low frequency drifts.
- Remove artifacts using Artifact Subspace Reconstruction (ASR).
- Common-average referencing.
- Apply band-pass filter to remove frequencies below 1 Hz and above 45 Hz.
- Down-sample to 128 Hz.
The order of the preprocessing steps is based on recommendations taken from Makoto's preprocessing pipeline, and requirements to use ASR taken from this PDF by Christian Kothe. The Python implementation of ASR is taken from ASRPY by Dirk Gütlin.
An earlier version of this preprocessing pipeline was used in this research paper. Please feel free to use it for any academic or commercial projects, and consider citing the paper:
Pinilla, A., Voigt-Antons, J. N., Garcia, J., Raffe, W., & Möller, S. (2023). Real-time affect detection in virtual reality: a technique based on a three-dimensional model of affect and EEG signals. Frontiers in Virtual Reality, 3, 964754.
title = {Real-time affect detection in virtual reality: a technique based on a three-dimensional model of affect and {EEG} signals},
volume = {3},
issn = {2673-4192},
shorttitle = {Real-time affect detection in virtual reality},
url = {},
doi = {10.3389/frvir.2022.964754},
urldate = {2024-01-29},
journal = {Frontiers in Virtual Reality},
author = {Pinilla, Andres and Voigt-Antons, Jan-Niklas and Garcia, Jaime and Raffe, William and Möller, Sebastian},
month = jan,
year = {2023},
pages = {964754},
file = {Full Text:/Users/aepinilla/Zotero/storage/XF5NBVSX/Pinilla et al. - 2023 - Real-time affect detection in virtual reality a t.pdf:application/pdf},
- Clone this repository
git clone [email protected]:aepinilla/preprocess_eeg.git
- Install the required libraries:
poetry install
- Run the script:
You will find the preprocessed data in "data/preprocessed/trials.npy"
The default settings of this script work with a sample XDF file taken from the paper mentioned above. You can change the settings to use it with your XDF files.
To customise it, do the following:
- Go to src/ and adjust the following variables according to the characteristics of your XDF file.
# Names of LabStreamingLayer (LSL) streams
STREAMS_NAMES.ecg = 'BrainVision RDA'
STREAMS_NAMES.markers = 'psychopy_marker_oddball'
STREAMS_NAMES.eeg = 'g.USBamp'
# Stream types
stream_types = ['ecg', 'eeg', 'markers']
# Names of EEG channels
eeg_ch_names = ["REF", "F3", "F4", "P3", "P4", "T7", "T8", "CZ"]
# Length of each trial in seconds
trial_len = 60
# Target frequency for downsampling data after preprocessing
downsample_sfreq = 128
# The marker that was triggered when each trial started
trial_start_marker = 7
- Go to src/ and customise the Match-Case statement according to your streams.
match self.streams[i]['info']['name'][0]:
self.streams_index['ecg'] = i
self.streams_index['eeg'] = i
case STREAMS_NAMES.markers:
self.streams_index['markers'] = i
Paste your XDF file inside the 'data/raw/' folder
Modify the last two lines of to run the script with your data
filename = <YOUR_FILE_NAME>
main(file_name=filename, sample_data=False)
Tested on Python 3.11.9