You'll find over one hundred half-baked experiments here, and a few finished projects among them. I'll maybe start deleting some repos when they begin to number past two hundred.
I write Elm, PureScript, Haskell, Go, JavaScript/TypeScript, and occassionally ReScript and Rust,
👇 To skip straight to the cool stuff 👇
- 🎄 (Elm) A web-app from simulating complex dice-roll outcomes in the tabletop game, Warhammer 40k
- 🐑 (PureScript) (In Progress) A web-app for simulating complex dice-roll outcomes in the tabletop game, Star Wars Legion
- 🚅 (Elm/Go) My simple app for quickly getting arrival times for trains on the Washington DC Metro
- ☕ (TypeScript) Frpuccino- my own virtual-dom library, currently being re-written in ReScript
- ⛑️ (ReScript) Realm- the in-progress ReWrite of Frpuccino, with more focus on The Elm Architecture
- 📆 (Elm) A reusable datepicker component written in Elm, based on Material Guidelines
- ✨ (Css) Basscss customization/documentation generator written with PostCSS and CycleJS
- 🎁 (Haskell) My Advent Of Code 2021 challeneges written in Haskell, with a neat little web-ui to display solutions with