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This Abe recipe demonstrates how to propose the selection of a partial at a post creation


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This Abe recipe demonstrates how to propose the selection of a partial at a post creation


  1. git clone
  2. cd recipe-abedynamicblocks
  3. abe serve -i
  4. Enjoy


This recipe will show you how to make a "dynamic template": You can create selectable partials in your template. This way, the contributor will be able to choose among a list of partials you have prepared to create her post.


We have divided this recipe into 7 templates, which are increasingly advanced:

  • Dynamic selection of static partials:The first template show you how to create a list of selectable static partials (nothing is modifiable by the contributor.
  • Dynamic selection of Abe partials: The second template show you how to create a list of "abified" templates: Depending on the selection made, the template is updated including the editor. The fields associated with the selected template are displayed.
  • Dynamic selection of Abe partials with data types: The third template will show the creation of abified templates containing abe type=data. This last recipe is well suited to create products pages where contributor can selected different block layouts to present content of other articles (or products).
  • Dynamic selection of Abe partials with a global data set to distribute equally on each partial. This recipe is divided into 4 examples: From example 4 to example 7. Follow the path !

Dynamic selection of static partials (example1)


First of all, create your partials containing static contents.

Now in your template, create a data type containing an array of options. You see here that we'll use an id to dynamize the selectable partials. This abe tag will be displayed in the editor as a dropdown list.

{{abe type='data' key='block1' desc='Select first block' source='[{"id":"1","label":"Primary block 1"}, {"id":"2","label":"Primary block 2"}]' display='label' max-length='1' tab='slug' reload="true"}}

Now that you've created a selectable value from your list, let's use this value to load dynamically your partial !

{{abe type='import' file='block1-{{}}.html'}}

Note the syntax of your variable {{}}. This tells Abe to take the block id selected by the user in your data type (which has the key="block1"). As you've asked your abe data tag to reload once a new selection is done, the page is reloaded with the import.

That's it ! Just 2 lines to create selectable partials !

Dynamic selection of Abe partials (example 2)


Nothing really fancy here. If you add abe tags to your partials... These tags will be displayed. That's it.

Dynamic selection of Abe partials with data types (example 3)


This one is not that complicated neither. We've prepared product pages (in the directory articles) so that we'll be able to find articles. Then in the template:

{{abe type='data' key='layout1' desc='Select layout' source='reference/products-layout.json' display='{{label}}' max-length='1' tab='slug' visible='false' reload="true"}}

Note the first difference with the 2 previous recipes: In the source, we use a reference file containing the json of partials:


  {"id":"1","label":"Block1 - 2 items - Title"},
  {"id":"2","label":"Block2 - 5 items - No title"},
  {"id":"3","label":"Block3 - 7 items - Title"}

This is another way of creating a set of data. You can create it inline (as in the 2 previous examples) or reference it. As you prefer depending on your project. The user will see a dropdown list in the editor, and as we're putting this data tag in the tab="slug", this dropdown will be displayed on the creation page.

Loading the selected partial in the template is done like that:

{{abe type='import' file='example3/block-{{}}.html'}}

A selected partial will contain something like this:

{{abe type="data" key="product2" source="select title, cover_273x273,cover_566x253,cover_273x546, description from /articles where `abe_meta.template`=`single-product`" desc="Select 5 products from this list" display="{{title}}" max-length="5" reload="true"}}

This partial, once selected by the user at the creation, will display a dropdown list of products to chose from...

That's it !

Dynamic selection of Abe partials with a global data set


This Abe recipe demonstrates how to propose the selection of a partial at a post creation







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