This recipe shows how you can select pages containing the same attributes
- git clone
- cd recipe-abe-data-1
- abe serve -i
- Enjoy
In this recipe, you'll see how you can select other contents from your blog based on attributes of your post.
The example is based on recipes and ingredients:
- You create ingredients with the "product" template
- You create recipes with the "recipe" template. In this template, a drop down list of existing products is displayed. You can choose multiple products (ingredients) for your recipe. Based on this products, a list of recipes containing some of the same ingredients are automatically displayed.
{{abe type="data" key="ingredients" source="select title,cover_300x200 from /products where `abe_meta.template`=`product`" desc="select ingredients" display="{{title}}"}}
This request will search all ingredients (products) in the directory /products and will display the list in the editor.
{{abe type="data" key="other_recipes" source="select title,cover_300x200 from /recipes where `ingredients[].title` IN (`{{ingredients}}`) AND ``!=`{{}}`" editable="false"}}
This request will take all the products selected in this recipe and will search all the recipes containing one or all of these products. The attribute editable="false" will hide the result from the editor
<!DOCTYPE html>
<h1>{{abe type="text" key="title" desc="recipe"}}</h1>
{{abe type="image" key="cover" desc="image" thumbs="300x200" visible="false" reload="true"}}
<img src="{{cover_300x200}}"/>
<div> {{#each ingredients}} <p>{{title}}</p> {{/each}} </div>
<h3>OTHER RECIPES with the same ingredients</h3>
<div> {{#each other_recipes}} <p>{{title}}</p> <img src="{{cover_300x200}}"/> {{/each}} </div>
The selected ingredients are displayed with a {{#each}} statement
The other recipes containing one or more ingredients of this recipe are displayed also.