This module provides database export functionality with help from a php version of mysqldump. The library ( supports the following features.
- output binary blobs as hex.
- resolves view dependencies (using Stand-In tables).
- output compared against original mysqldump. Linked to travis-ci testing system.
- dumps stored procedures.
- does extended-insert and/or complete-insert.
This module depends upon Composer Manager to install the mysqldump-php library; please follow the installation section below.
Installation (@ref,
cd / navigate to the Drupal root directory
add the Drupal Packagist repository
composer config repositories.drupal composer
use composer to download the module and it's dependencies
composer require drupal/backup_db
enable the Backup Database module.
Manual usage
- $client = \Drupal::service('backup_db.client');
- Do client things (update settings, set new connection) $client->setConnection();
- Select our adapter/handler.
- Do the magic $handler->export();
More information
- ifsnop (