A Abe deployer for S3
This plugin is a S3 deployer for your Abe blog. Once you've created your s3 repository on AWS and created a user with proper authorizations in IAM, just install this plugin with Abe and fill in the parameters.
Everytime you'll publish/unpublish a content, your blog will be sync'ed
In abe.json, you must have this entry:
"deployers": {
"s3": {
"region": "eu-central-1",
"accessKeyId": "yourAccesKeyID",
"secretAccessKey": "yourSecretAccesKey",
"bucket": "yourBucketName",
"prefix": "yourPrefix",
"params": {
"maxAsyncS3": "20",
"s3RetryCount": "3",
"s3RetryDelay": "1000",
"multipartUploadThreshold": "20971520",
"multipartUploadSize": "15728640"
If you don't want to change the params, don't create the entry for params:
"deployers": {
"s3": {
"region": "eu-central-1",
"accessKeyId": "yourAccesKeyID",
"secretAccessKey": "yourSecretAccesKey",
"bucket": "yourBucketName",
"prefix": "yourPrefix"