Official repository of the IEEE SLT 2024 paper "NDVQ: Robust Neural Audio Codec with Normal Distribution-Based Vector Quantization"
I will release a clean codebase after refactoring and thoroughly testing the performance, so please be patient.
We introduced Normal Distribution Vector Quantization (NDVQ), which innovatively applies a distribution-based approach to vector quantization in audio codec. NDVQ’s adoption of normal distributions within the codebook enhances robustness and generalization capability, leading to a better reconstructed audio quality, especially at extremely low bandwidths. Our comparative analysis with EnCodec demonstrates NDVQ’s superior performance in audio compression tasks and downstream codec-based speech synthesis tasks, confirming its potential as a more resilient alternative to traditional VQ methods. While the real-world audio environment encompasses speech, ambient sounds, and music, this investigation focused solely on speech, leaving other audio domains unexplored and thus limiting the applications. The challenge of developing a universal audio compression model based on our method represents a compelling avenue for future research.
conda create -n fairseq python=3.9 -y
conda activate fairseq
conda install pytorch==1.12.1 torchvision==0.13.1 torchaudio==0.12.1 cudatoolkit=11.3 -c pytorch -y
pip install packaging editdistance gpustat wandb einops soundfile packaging librosa pandas
# install fairseq
git clone
cd fairseq
git checkout 336c26a5
pip install --editable ./
# install apex
git clone \
cd apex
git checkout 9263bc8 \
pip install -v --disable-pip-version-check --no-cache-dir --global-option="--cpp_ext" --global-option="--cuda_ext" ./
You can download image from dockerhub by the following code
docker pull zkniu/fairseq:torch1.12-cu113-fairseq
More details about this image, you can check our Dockerfile in this repo.
- We borrowed a lot of code from encodec
- We borrowed a lot of code from descript-audio-codec
- Thanks fairseq
Please cite the paper when referencing the NDVQ codebase and paper as:
title={NDVQ: Robust Neural Audio Codec with Normal Distribution-Based Vector Quantization},
author={Niu, Zhikang and Chen, Sanyuan and Zhou, Long and Ma, Ziyang and Chen, Xie and Liu, Shujie},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2409.12717},
Our code is released under the MIT license