Cheers love! Ambulance here!
Zeyu Liao, Ruolin Li, Ziyu Lu
Databse Design.
- Use JDBC Driver for MySQL
- Use NOT NULL, UNIQUE, Primary Key
- Use foreign key,Cascade delete and Cascade update to ensure data integrity
- The table structure is concise and clear, meeting 3NF Database Paradigm
Multi-Layer Architecture Design
- Implement Dao Pattern to implement data access from database
- Have separated View, Model, Data Access Layer, Business Logic Layer
UI Design
- Have consistent layout designs
- Have navigation bar to switch between pages
- Implement picture display, supporting picture upload
Have strong data validation
- Include various test scenarios
- Include Outlier and Null checks
- Have Timely-updated Dynamic comboBox
- Patient can book an appointment with doctor, supporting selecting hospital, doctor, managing appointments, updating personal information.
- Docotor can record vital signs and give the diagnosis with new appointment notify features. Support managing appointments and updating personal information.
- Have Multi-role Administrator
- Hospital Admin can manage doctor profile
- Community Admin can manage hospital profile
- System Admin can manage patient, hospital, community