Measure an ECG with an Arduino Uno and the Olimex-EKG-EMG-Shield and calculate the heart rate variability
For the measurement of the heart-rate-variability it is necessary to measure an ECG first. This is done with three electrodes attached to the left arm, the right arm and the left foot. Those electrodes are the inputs for the Olimex-EKG-EMG-Shield, which is used as a hat for the Arduino Uno Rev3.
Put the Olimex-EKG-EMG-Shield on top of the Arduino
Attach the Arduino Uno to the computer
Upload the olimex-shield-data-collector.ino to the Arduino
Plug in the electrodes and attach them to the subject
Run the data-receiver.js inside a node.js project
npm install serialport node data-receiver.js
Check if the port is specified correctly in the data-receiver.js script
An output txt file will be generated
Use the file as input for displayData.m
(simpler version of a ecg plotter: olimex-serialplotter.ino