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A real time jcdecaux API pipeline using Docker, Kafka, Spark, Elasticsearch, Kibana

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🚴‍♂️ Jcdecaux Bike Real-time Data Pipeline with Docker

📊 Overview

This pipeline captures real-time bike station data from the Jcdecaux public API and processes it using Dockerized services for messaging, real-time processing, storage, and visualization. Kafka handles messaging, Spark Streaming processes data, Elasticsearch stores the information, and Kibana provide visualization.

🛠 Architecture

Jcdecaux Bike Real-time Data Pipeline

The pipeline consists of the following components:

  1. Jcdecaux API: Source of real-time bike station data.
  2. Kafka: Distributed messaging system for data distribution.
  3. Spark Streaming: Processes data in real-time.
  4. Elasticsearch: Stores data for easy querying.
  5. Kibana: Visualize data stored in Elasticsearch.

🧰 Prerequisites

All components run in Docker containers. Ensure Docker and Docker Compose are installed on your system.

⚙️ Installation and Setup

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd Realtime_jcdecaux_pipeline
  2. Build and Start Services: Run the following command to start all services, including Kafka, Spark, Elasticsearch, and Kibana, in Docker containers:

    docker-compose up --build

    This command pulls the necessary Docker images, builds the custom bike pipeline container, and starts all services defined in `docker-compose.yml`.

🔧 Project Configuration

  • Kafka Topic: A Kafka topic named `velib_stations` will be created automatically for bike station data.
  • Environment Variables:
    • `KAFKA_BROKER`: Kafka broker address (`kafka:9092`).
    • `ELASTICSEARCH_HOST`: Elasticsearch host (`elasticsearch`).
    • `SPARK_MASTER`: Spark master URL (`spark://spark:7077`).

🚀 Running the Pipeline

  1. Start the Docker containers:
    docker-compose up
  2. Start the pipeline:
    docker exec -it bike_pipeline bash

Wait for the various services to initialize. Once they're running, enter the following commands in the bash:

python3 producer & python3 consumer

  1. Kibana Access: Open http://localhost:5601 to view Kibana and check Elasticsearch data under "Index Management".

🛠 Docker Images and Setup Details

The following Docker images are used:

  • Kafka: `wurstmeister/kafka:2.13-2.8.1`
  • Spark: `bitnami/spark:3.2.4`
  • Elasticsearch: ``
  • Kibana: ``
  • Custom Pipeline: Defined in `Dockerfile`, containing OpenJDK 11, Spark, Kafka, and Elasticsearch dependencies.

📌 Conclusion

With the setup complete, real-time bike station data should now be visible in Kibana. This project demonstrates the use of a streaming data pipeline for processing and visualizing real-time data using Docker.


A real time jcdecaux API pipeline using Docker, Kafka, Spark, Elasticsearch, Kibana






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