Api for Mock, performances testing, resilience and show functionalities in demo (docker for example, with healthcheck)
- sources : https://github.com/Tuxivinc/mock-api
- Mock Json response (set by POST or mount volume)
- Mock response size (download file)
- Mock response HTTP Status
- Get Hostname
- Get JVM args
- Get environment variables
- Get request information
- body, headers and URL
- Simulation healthcheck
- get http code
- set http code return
- Sleep response time
- Storage in memory or pass in request path
- Shutdown application with error code
- Latency on startup
- Demo session sharing (for load balancing example)
- Store session local
- Multicast session
1/ Deploy container : docker run -d -p 8050:8050 --name mock-api tuxivinc/mock-api
2/ Call swagger for API infos : http://localhost:8050/mock-api/swagger-ui.html
What | add time before service starting Up |
How | add -e STARTING_LATENCY_MS=[XXXX] on command line docker run (XXXX is a time in ms) |
Usage | Gatling resilience testing, Docker restart policy |
What | Get Jvm information |
How | curl -X GET "http://localhost:8050/mock-api/getinfos/jvm" |
Usage | Debug |
What | Get Environment variables |
How | curl -X GET "http://localhost:8050/mock-api/getinfos/varenv" |
Usage | Debug |
What | Get Hostname of container |
How | curl -X GET "http://localhost:8050/mock-api/getinfos/hostname" |
Usage | Debug |
What | Kill JVM with specify exit Code |
How | |
Run container with --restart on-failure | |
Call curl -X POST "http://localhost:8050/mock-api/shutdown/12" -> The container restart |
Call curl -X POST "http://localhost:8050/mock-api/shutdown/0" -> The container don't restart |
Usage | Docker Restart policy, Gatling Resilience test |
What | Set return code of Docker HealthCheck |
How | |
Call curl -X GET "http://localhost:8050/mock-api/healthcheck" -> Return healthcheck code (by default 200) |
Call curl -X POST "http://localhost:8050/mock-api/healthcheck/setcode/500" -> Set return code at 500 |
Usage | Docker Restart policy, Docker HealthCheck, Gatling Resilience, Traefik expose service |
What | Get information of call (GET/PUT/POST/DELETE/OPTIONS/HEAD/PATCH) |
Hostname container | |
HostIp | |
Url received | |
Uri received | |
Quesry String | |
List headers | |
Body content | |
How | curl -X GET "http://localhost:8050/mock-api/sniffer/headers" |
Usage | Demo, Debug |
What | Choose Http status of response |
How | |
return http status 404 : curl -X GET "http://localhost:8050/mock-api/simulation/error/404" |
return http status 500 : curl -X GET "http://localhost:8050/mock-api/simulation/error/500" |
Usage | Gatling Resilience, Demo |
What | Choose response time (value in path) |
How | Response in 5s : curl -X GET "http://localhost:8050/mock-api/simulation/timeout/5000" |
Usage | Gatling Resilience |
What | Choose response time (value store in memory of server, by default: 0ms) |
How | |
Set response time to 10s: curl -X POST "http://localhost:8050/mock-api/simulation/timeout-memory/10000" |
Get response in 10s: curl -X GET "http://localhost:8050/mock-api/simulation/timeout-memory" |
Usage | Gatling Resilience |
What | Get file with specify size on request |
How | |
Get File 200Ko: curl -X GET "http://localhost:8050/mock-api/simulation/response-size/200" --output /tmp/file200 |
Get File 2Mo: curl -X GET "http://localhost:8050/mock-api/simulation/response-size/2000" --output /tmp/file2000 |
Usage | Gatling Resilience, Demo, Test |
What | Store session (by token key) in server without share scales instances |
How | |
Run a secondary server (replace -p 8050:8050 by -p 8060:8050 ) |
Call first server with token "test", return timestamp of created session: curl -X GET "http://localhost:8050/mock-api/session/share/test" |
Call secondary server with token "test", return same timestamp of first server: curl -X GET "http://localhost:8060/mock-api/session/share/test" |
Usage | Demo serverless constraints Docker |
What | Share session (on multicast) between all servers |
How | |
Run a secondary server (replace -p 8050:8050 by -p 8060:8050 ) |
Call first server with token "test", return timestamp of created session: curl -X GET "http://localhost:8050/mock-api/session/notshare/test" |
Call fisrt server with token "test", return same timestamp | |
Call secondary server with token "test", return timestamp of created session, but different of first server: curl -X GET "http://localhost:8060/mock-api/session/notshare/test" |
Call secondary server with token "test", return same timestamp | |
Usage | Demo serverless constraints Docker |
What | Return Json file store in /mock-response |
How | |
Create directory /xxx/mock |
In this directory, create json file (see examples after) | |
Run container with -v /xxx/mock:/mock-response | |
Call curl -X GET "http://localhost:8050/mock-api/mock/test" -> Return 200 with test file content |
Call curl -X GET "http://localhost:8050/mock-api/mock/test2" -> Return 200 with test2 file content |
Call curl -X GET "http://localhost:8050/mock-api/mock/test3" -> Return 404, no file found |
Usage | Mock Json call, Gatling Resilience test |
Examples of File
- File test:
{ "username":"John", "id":564 }
- File test2:
{ "username":"Robert", "id":789 }
What | Add Json file store in /mock-response |
How | |
curl -X POST "http://localhost:8050/mock-api/mock/testrep" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{"key":"haha"}" -> créer un fichier testrep | |
Usage | Mock Json call, Gatling Resilience test |