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Ghost editor, based on the Lexical framework.

Get started

This is a mono repository, managed with lerna.

To get started in this repo:

  1. git clone this repo & cd into it as usual
  2. run yarn setup from the top-level:
    • installs all external dependencies
    • links all internal dependencies
    • runs an initial build of all projects

To add a new package to the repo:

  • install Slimer
  • run slimer new <package name>


yarn dev runs the koenig-lexical package in development mode. Please refer to its README for more information.


  • yarn lint run just eslint
  • yarn test run lint and tests


Ghost core team only.


Create an .env file in packages/koenig-lexical, with environment variables for Sentry, so that we can track errors in the editor. There is a copy of this file in 1password.


Deploy a new version

  1. run yarn ship in the top-level Koenig directory to publish to npm
  2. bump the Koenig dependencies in Ghost. Either:
    • wait for Renovate to create a bump PR (example) and merge it (recommended option)
    • or, do it manually, by adding the new Koenig package versions to the package.json files in Ghost/core and Ghost/admin

Copyright & License

Copyright (c) 2013-2025 Ghost Foundation - Released under the MIT license.