- Task 1 - Design Test
- Task 2 - REST Api Proficiency
NodeJs version 16 or newer installed on your computer.
Clone or download the repository as a zip folder
- To run, on your command line navigate into project folder; then start with npm.
cd peddle-frontend-assessment
npm start
- Task 1 - To view any of the pages:
Navigate to the /comingsoon, /blog, /about routes respectively.
- Task 2 - To view the github task:
Navigate to the /github route as well.
The following dependencies were required and used for the assessment:
- Millify - Converted long numbers to readable strings obtained from calling the REST api in the /github route
- Moment - Exracted and Parsed the date each repository was created, in the /github route, relative to the date set in the REST api.
- React-Icons - Obtained specific icons from a collection of libraries.
- React-Infinite-Scroll-Component - Used to implement infinite scroll in the /github route.
- React-Reveal - Implemented certain animations in the coming soon and contact components.
- For the blog page, a custom api which returns JSON data or CMS should be created to host the contents of the blog.
- The coming soon component could use a real time animated counter.
- For UI best practices a light and darkmode design of each page should be created with a custom button or switch to change styles to the desired mode. or render styles based on the specification by the OS.