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Tags: TheNuSan/Bonzomatic



Toggle v13's commit message
Fix GLFW issue with texPreviousFrame not working after a lot of windo…

…w resizing


Toggle v12's commit message
Fix issue: when launching in sender mode, first shader send ask for r…

…ecompilation so already connected grabbers update immediately


Toggle v11's commit message
Merge main repo "add support for texture that contains the contents o…

…f the previous frame" submit


Toggle v10's commit message
Update extra data and add a readme to the Launcher


Toggle v09's commit message
Bonzo: FFT capture: update to last version of miniaudio, so we can ca…

…pture playback (loopback) and not only mic.

You can ask for capturing a playback device by setting fftCapturePlaybackDevices to true in "rendering" section of json.
You can also specify a search string to capture a specific device by setting "fftCaptureDeviceSearchString"


Toggle v08's commit message
Bonzo Network: Send FirstVisibleLine (not used right now), on a grabb…

…er you can use F3 to follow or not the caret of the coder.

Now Bonzo will try to reconnect regularly if there is a deconnection (server closed ...)


Toggle v05's commit message
Bonzo Network: shader name when using network now start with the mode…

… (grabber or sender) so it's a bit more clear.


Toggle v0.4's commit message
Bonzo Network: Dialogue at starting now ask server name, room, nickna…

…me and type of network (none, sender, grabber)


Toggle 2019-03-26's commit message
fix memory corruption in clipboard copying

was copying WCHAR size instead of char (wtf)


Toggle 2019-03-17's commit message
Smart indentation support (Gargaj#96)

* Smart indentation support

Indentation support can be set to `smart` (default), `preserve` or `none` in the `gui` section of the config file.
Readme file has been updated accordingly.

Heavily based on SciTe official implementation.

* Make linux flavour use c++11

* Fix the wrong ident and make code more readable

* Rewrite in c++98, name config key “autoIndent”