$> chinstrap sandbox -i
$> chinstrap sandbox -p Jakarta -o 12345 -c 5
✔ Sandbox is at level: 20 and ready for use!
$> chinstrap compile
✔ my_contract.py compilation successful!
$> chinstrap originate -n development
Using development network
Loaded wallet tz1U7FSJhS8QggXhzuxQ3kRVxtZuivwrL4ho . Balance: ꜩ 20000.022856
✔ my_contract.py compilation successful!
✔ my_contract_compiled's origination transaction at: op9HEUeiRp75cJFcsT6srs1YbhC1SQQm7EhE1Wmi2HqQBqBrPaz
✔ Baking successful!
✔ my_contract_compiled address: KT1HK5rgA2JMEAwoopwz2YLcjUL5yzys4kfW
✔ Total Cost of originations: ꜩ 0.076685
Install chinstrap framework and tools.
# Install chinstrap framework.
nvm use v19.6.0
cd scripts
conda create -n py310-tezos-blockchain python=3.10
conda activate py310-tezos-blockchain
git clone https://github.com/ant4g0nist/chinstrap
cd chinstrap
brew tap cuber/homebrew-libsecp256k1
brew install libsodium libsecp256k1 gmp
export CFLAGS="-I`brew --prefix gmp`/include -I`brew --prefix libsecp256k1`/include"
export LDFLAGS="-L`brew --prefix gmp`/lib -L`brew --prefix libsecp256k1`/lib"
pip install . -U
cd ..
chinstrap install
🎉 Ligo installed
🎉 SmartPy installed
Or try to compile with SmartPy (Legacy)
bash <(curl -s https://smartpy.io/cli/install.sh) --prefix `pwd`/scripts/smartpy-cli
./scripts/smartpy-cli/SmartPy.sh --version
./scripts/smartpy-cli/SmartPy.sh compile ./contracts/my_contract.py ./compilation
./scripts/smartpy-cli/SmartPy.sh test ./contracts/my_contract.py ./compilation
./scripts/SmartPy.sh originate-contract
--code ./compilation/my_contract/<...>_contract.tz \
--storage ./scripts/compilation/my_contract/<...>_storage.tz \
--rpc https://granadanet.smartpy.io \
--private-key <edsk...>