Curved-Waved-Animated BottomSheet 😎
Curved-Bottom-Concave | Curved-Bottom-Convex | Curved-Top-Concave | Curved-Top-Convex | Waved |
Curved Bottom Sheet, helps you to display fancy, extraordinary UX with Bottom Sheet Behavior. Even if its name contains Bottom,it also supports Top Sheet.If you bored classic BottomSheet, go on.
This library is available in jitpack, so you need to add this repository to your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
dependencies {
implementation "com.github.TayfunCesur:CurvedBottomSheet:$latest_version"
Note: This project has been migrated to AndroidX at v1.1 by the contribution of @ChintanRathod. If you haven't migrated your project to AndroidX yet, you can use v1.0.2
dependencies {
implementation "com.github.TayfunCesur:CurvedBottomSheet:1.0.2"
The sample app has all but if you want quick tip,
//Your view here
In your activity or fragment,
CurvedBottomSheet(view = bottom_sheet,
shape = CurvedBottomSheet.Shape.Concave,
location = CurvedBottomSheet.Location.BOTTOM,
type = CurvedBottomSheet.Type.CURVE)
Parameter | Type | Description |
radius | float | The default value is 180F. This parameter is so important to your curves beauty. In general, you must pass this parameter as your (screen width / 6). If you curios about reason, don't forget to have look at the bottom of page. |
shape | Enum(Concave,Convex) | The default value is Concave. This parameter helps you to decide your shape is convex or concave. |
location | Enum(TOP,BOTTOM) | The default value is BOTTOM.If you want to use TOP, don't forget to pass app:layout_behavior="com.tayfuncesur.curvedbottomsheet.TopSheetBehavior" to your CurvedLayout. |
type | Enum(CURVE,WAVE) | The default value is CURVE. This parameter draws a wave or curve. |
callback | null | The default value is null. This parameter allows you notified while sheet is scrolling.Maybe you want to do some magic works while scrolling. For instance, alpha animation. (It is done in the WavedActivity) |
Property | Type | Description |
fillColor | color | The default color is White. This parameter fills your Curved layout background. Don't use backgroundColor property because you don't want to fill whole layout that includes the places outside of curve or wave |
showControlPoints | boolean | The default value is false. This parameters draws points in layout. If you work debug mode,it can help you to determine the your control points. |
Explanation of app:fillColor | Explanation of app:showControlPoints |
This bonus part has already implemented in WavedActivity
If you pass the Callback parameter to CurvedBottomSheet, you gonna have
object : Callback {
override fun onSlide(p0: View, p1: Float) {
// Here you can play alpha with p1 value.
contentLayout.alpha = p1
dolphinLayout.alpha = 1 - p1
- Here is a good article
- Online tool to play with it
- Great Explanation Video in just 4 min
Here is the all detailed Medium Story
Open-Source Enthusiast | Android Engineer
If you have any questions, hit me on Twitter
Copyright 2019 Tayfun CESUR
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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