Tags: Stvad/CrowdAnki
Toggle v0.9.5's commit message
CrowdAnki 0.9.4
Allow CrowdAnki to work with Anki 23.10+ (tested with Anki 23.10rc3).
Toggle v0.9.4's commit message
CrowdAnki 0.9.4
Allow CrowdAnki to work with Python 3.11 (needed for Anki packaged on
ArchLinux). Fix minor vulnerabilities in dependencies.
Toggle v0.9.3's commit message
CrowdAnki 0.9.3
Allow non-legacy export in Anki 2.1.55 and later. Provide Qt6 UI.
Toggle v0.9.2's commit message
CrowdAnki 0.9.2
Fix compatibility with Anki 2.1.50 and later.
Toggle v0.9.1's commit message
CrowdAnki 0.9.1
The principal changes since 0.9 are bug fixes and updates to maintain
compatibility with newer versions of Anki.
Toggle v0.9's commit message
Remove Anki module mocking where not required anymore
Toggle v0.8's commit message
Make config_settings_spec more future proof against new settings
Toggle v0.7's commit message
Minor CONTRIBUTING.md update
Toggle v0.6.1's commit message
Add notification on successful snapshot completion #45
Toggle v0.6's commit message
Update ankiweb_description.html with info on snapshots
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