- Antarctica
e2k-ports / llvm-project
Forked from llvm/llvm-projectLLVM/Clang port to E2K (Elbrus 2000)
A modern port of Turbo Vision 2.0, the classical framework for text-based user interfaces. Now cross-platform and with Unicode support.
A simple to use, composable, command line parser for C++ 11 and beyond
GitHub do not ban us from open source world 🇮🇷
Bring syntax highlighting to your conan file in VSCode 💡
One command, all Conan packages updated
A conan generator for microsoft's visual studio code C/C++ extension property file
Conan Tools VS Code Extension
Show all Bincrafters' Conan packages
Software Manager. Build System, Build System Generator and Package Manager. C/C++ and other languages. Tools and libraries for Software Management.
Project evolved into Software Network: https://github.com/SoftwareNetwork/sw
An attempt to answer the age old interview question "What happens when you type google.com into your browser and press enter?"
Sccache is a ccache-like tool. It is used as a compiler wrapper and avoids compilation when possible. Sccache has the capability to utilize caching in remote storage environments, including various…
Fast, reproducible, and portable software development environments
Website for searching for conan packages across many repositories
Examples of dockerfiles and optional supporting scripts to install and use Build Tools for Visual Studio 2017 in a container.
SXKDVM - OSX Docker KVM / Run an OSX KVM virtual machine inside a Docker container.