This repository corresponds to the Path Planning part of an Autonomous Driving System. It uses ROS2 to subscribe to various information from perception and publishes the path and velocity to be followed. Based on the information received from perception, it makes decisions and determines the velocity accordingly. Then, it uses the hybrid A* developed in ROS2 to create the required path. If you're interested in a detailed usage of these algorithms, visit the following repository to test them out.
Ubuntu 20.04
matplotlib & numpy
pip install numpy pip install matplotlib
sudo apt update sudo apt install libeigen3-dev
sudo apt update sudo apt install libeigen3-dev libgoogle-glog-dev libgflags-dev sudo apt install libceres-dev
sudo apt install libompl-dev
If you want to test the algorithms without any additional installations, use the following commands:
git clone
cd PathPlanning/algorithm
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..