Create UIView objects using any method you like, including interface builder with Auto-layout and size classes enabled. Then generate a PDF directly from those views!
XCode 6.4+, iOS 7.0+
In XCode, select 'Add Files To Project', and select RP_UIView_2_PDF.h
- Make a xib file. Your xib file should only consist of UILabels and/or UIImageViews and/or other UIView subviews. Use views that are 1 pixel high or wide to create lines. Set the tag of a UIView to 1 to have it draw filled or zero to draw as just a 1 pixel bordered box.
- Load your xib like so
UIView *pageOne = [[NSBundle mainBundle] loadNibNamed:@"NibNameOne" owner:self options:nil].lastObject;
UIView *pageTwo = [[NSBundle mainBundle] loadNibNamed:@"NibNameTwo" owner:self options:nil].lastObject;
- Then generate your PDF like this
NSString *tempFilepath = [RP_UIView_2_PDF generatePDFWithPages:@[pageOne, pageTwo];
See demo project for details.
UIView_2_PDF is released under the MIT license. See '' for details.