Good question ! An organization with a unique member is a repo ! 😄 It's not really intended to grow, but why not ? The real goal is to "learn" some Github skills 😉 and to differenciate the guy, me, and a kind of "official" name I like.
I really like physic ! Things like Einstein relativity, this is the short answer.
The long answer is based on a logic, that come from Einstein's elevator experiment
for an observer in an enclosed room, it is impossible to decide, by mapping the trajectory of bodies such as a dropped ball, whether the room is stationary in a gravitational field and the ball accelerating, or in free space aboard a rocket that is accelerating at a rate equal to that of the gravitational field versus the ball which upon release has nil acceleration.
That said, the IT will depend on the "observer" position and speed, and should fit its needs in a relative way against an absolute way
That's why all repositories here won't be absolutely perfect, but relatively fitted !