Looking for ways to integrate the Rapyd API into your project? Here are some samples that can help you get started.
Explore our curated collection of links, providing easy access to a range of detailed and user-friendly documentation pages for developers.
Be sure to sign up at the Rapyd Client Portal to get your sandbox API Keys.
Check out our assortment of developer tools to streamline your coding process and enhance your development projects.
Discover our carefully selected array of resources, offering a variety of informative and practical tools tailored to developers' needs.
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Here is a short list of some reports that might interest you.
Name | Note |
Rapyd OpenAPI Spec | The official repository that contains the OpenAPI specification for Rapyd. |
Accept Payments | Explore top payment methods to learn how to build with Rapyd in a single integration, offering customers their preferred local payment features. |
A list of repos other developers have created using the Rapyd API.
- Rapyd Flutter SDK
- Rapyd Checkout Example
- PHP Payment Gateway Using Rapyd
- Unofficial Rapyd JS SDK
- A Flutter app to demo how to use Rapyd Collect API for payment collection
IF YOU HAVE A CRITICAL OR PRODUCTION ISSUE INCLUDING ACCOUNT ACTIVATION, go to https://support.rapyd.net, or if you can't access the Rapyd Client Portal, please send an email to [email protected].
However, if you have an API question or want to learn more about transacting in the Sandbox environment.