🛠️ Tools: JavaScript [Vue, React.js, TypeScript, Node.js, jQuery, Express.js, PostgreSQL], Ruby on Rails, Python [Flask]
📚 Currently Learning: Docker
🧠 Eager to explore opportunities that allow me to learn everyday
At my core, I am a constant asker of why?
and how did you do that?
. On the outside, I use Vue, React.js, Express.js, CSS, Ruby oon Rails, Python, and more to create web-based applications. I am actively looking for opportunities that allow me to learn everyday and improve in what I know.
World Traveler ➡️ Environmental Engineer ➡️ Software Engineer
(Ask me how!)
- I've studied Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu for 10 years
- I've lived in 10 different countries
- I speak 3 languages fluently and am working on my fourth
</> Portfolio
📍 Southern California, USA
🖥️ LinkedIn
📋 Resume