(\(\ /)/)
o( =^.^)= Hello! My name is Ashley Anderson! =('.'= )o
/|__/| Hark! a cat! ╱|、
{\ __/ ' I'| ('ˎ, 7
| | Hello |、⁻〵
U U U U じしˍ,)ノ
/|__/| Would you like to hear a joke? ╱|、
{\ __/ ' I'| ('ˎ, 7
| | ok. |、⁻〵
U U U U じしˍ,)ノ
/|__/| A programmer adopted a dog and named it "Algorithm." ╱|、
{\ __/ ' I'| Algorithm was a smart dog, but it had a peculiar habit: ('ˎ, 7
| | every time the programmer threw a stick, Algorithm would ... |、⁻〵
U U U U fetch it, bring it back, and then immediately drop it again. じしˍ,)ノ
/|__/| Confused, the programmer decided to debug the situation. ╱|、
{\ __/ ' I'| He threw the stick and watched closely. Algorithm ran after ('ˎ, 7
| | it, picked it up, brought it back, and dropped it. ... |、⁻〵
U U U U The programmer threw it again, and the same thing happened. じしˍ,)ノ
/|__/| Frustrated, the programmer said, "Algorithm, why do you keep ╱|、
{\ __/ ' I'| dropping the stick? You’re supposed to bring it back to me!" ('ˎ, 7
| | ... |、⁻〵
U U U U じしˍ,)ノ
/|__/| Algorithm looked up, wagged its tail, and replied, "I’m just ╱|、
{\ __/ ' I'| following your instructions! You told me to fetch, but you never (oˎo 7
| | told me to keep!" ... |、⁻〵
U U U U じしˍ,)ノ
/|__/| The programmer facepalmed and muttered, "I should’ve known better ╱|、
{\ __/ ' I'| than to use a dog with a garbage collector." (-ˎ- 7
| | Wow. |、⁻〵
U U U U じしˍ,)ノ