RF24BLE is the library that makes an nrf24L01+ chip (1$) into a BLE advertising beacon and can be used for LOW payload advertising like sensor data etc.
- This library works on top of the RF24 library by TMRh20 (https://github.com/TMRh20/RF24)
- Tested using Arduino v1.8.5(windows) and Arduino v1.0.5 (ubuntu)
- Tested with "nRF Connect for Mobile" app on google play store on android LINK: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=no.nordicsemi.android.mcp&hl=en
- Tested on Iphone using iphone5S and LightBlue BLE app LINK: https://itunes.apple.com/in/app/lightblue-explorer-bluetooth/id557428110
Connect the nrf24L01+ to the SPI pins of your specific arduino. Choose and change the Chip enable (CE) and Chip select (CS) in the code corresponding to your connections
clone the repo and paste the RF24BLE folder in the folder "libraries" in the sketchbook area. e.g "Arduino/libraries/RF24BLE"
open the arduino ide and choose an example from the file->examples menu and upload any example
Download and install the app "nRF Connect for Mobile" app from the google play store on an android device.
open the app and click on scan and the advertised packet should be shown in the list in the app