I'm Utkarsh Bhardwaj, a self-motivated, hyper-optimized, violently experimental, definitely not re-animated by cordyceps, developer and software engineer.
- 🪄🌟💻 I, wish into existence, meaningful, well-planned and comprehensible solutions to my computing problems.
- 🔭✨ I like to explore various domains of expertise and cross-pollinate ideas to introduce sense into nonsensical programming. I wish to not be bored and to tickle my fancy I like to dabble in the most outlandish paradigms out there.
I have about 2.5 years of professional experience in the industry as a software developer covering fullstack developement, systems development, automation, CICD and infrastructure management. And I believe there's a bunch more interesting stuff to cover so I'm looking to get into anything that catches my eye.
Got some freelance work for me? Sweet! Reach out to me here.
Want to reach out for no reason whatsoever? That's also welcome here.
Or else... if you really want to