A demo use PPComSDK via gradle.
To use local source project instead of bintray gradle. Use settings.gradle.local to ooverwrite settings.gradle and use gradle.build.local to overwrite gradle.
And do the same for PPComSDK!
A config-build.sh is intented to help build from local or jcenter.
- build demo reference local source
sh config-build.sh local
- build demo reference jcenter
sh config-build.sh jcenter
The script will link settings.gradle and build.gradle for you.
PPComSDK which depends on PPMessageSDK.
- Create and initialize PPComSDK by using basic information.
public class MyApp extends Application {
public void onCreate() {
PPComSDK sdk = PPComSDK.getInstance();
// Global config PPComSDK
PPComSDKConfiguration.Builder builder = new PPComSDKConfiguration.Builder();
If enterprise user id is set, the user is identified by your own system, otherwise the user is anonymous.
- Extend
to start conversation
public class MainActivity extends ConversationsActivity {
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// call super startUp()
Firebase token maybe not ready when you init PPComSDK, after token ready, you need tell PPMessage.
public class PPMessageFirebaseInstanceIDService extends FirebaseInstanceIdService {
public void onTokenRefresh() {
String refreshedToken = FirebaseInstanceId.getInstance().getToken();
String deviceUUID = PPComSDK.getInstance().getMessageSDK().getNotification().getConfig().getActiveUser().getDeviceUUID();
JSONObject object = new JSONObject();
try {
object.put("device_uuid", deviceUUID);
object.put("android_fcm_token", token);
} catch (JSONException e) {
PPComSDK.getInstance().getMessageSDK().getAPI().updateDevice(object, null);
In your module build.gradle add the following in dependencies
compile 'com.ppmessage:ppcomsdk:0.0.26'
Please see PPComDemo
is core lib and distributed with gradle.
PPComSDK will automatically include PPMessageSDK