A part of DBMS mini project, this project was made so that I can understand the working of SQL (Sequel) Database. So, as the topic tells, it is managing cloud inventory such as Virtual Machines Instances and also storage buckets for users. Used Github's OctaCat as my frontend webpage logo and named OctaOcean (like Digital Ocean 😅)
This is my tech stack used, React and Tailwind CSS for beautiful frontend which is responsive to mobile and desktop devices, Node JS and Express JS to start my server and also connect to the frontend, finally the database MySQL! the traditional old SQL!
Small Screen's or Mobile View Screenshots
Desktop Screen Screenshot
Home Page route = /
EC2 Instances Page route = /instances
Storage Page route = /storagebuckets
Report Area
Purchase Page route = /purchase
Thank You Page route = /thankyou
Error Page route = /*
Admin Page route = /admin
To start the Frontend or Website
npm install
>> npm run start
To start the Backend or NodeJS (Make sure that nodemon is installed)
npm install
>> nodemon index.js
And start the MySQL server on the localhost