Integrate with Mastercard Account Information APIs easily and fluently
- Getting Started
To access the AIS features you need setup
an Open Banking Connect Account Information Service project
and provide to the library the consumer key
, keystore password
, key alias
and the certificate
Options | Description |
enableSandboxMode() |
Enable sandbox mode |
withPkcs12FilePath(String) |
Set .p12 Certificate |
withSigningKeyAlias(String) |
Set signing key alias |
withSigningKeyPassword(String) |
Set signing key password |
withConsumerKey(String) |
Set consumer key |
MastercardAis mastercardAis = new MastercardAis.Builder()
Request Options | Description |
withAspspId(String) |
Identification of ASPSP |
withIsLivePsuRequest(Boolean) |
Flag indicating if request is initiated by PSU |
withTppRedirectURI(String) |
Call back uri |
addConsentPermission(ConsentPermission) |
allPSD2, accounts, balances, transactions, standingorders |
addAccount(String iban, String currency, String schemeName) |
(Optional) Adds account |
withPsuAgent(String) |
(Optional) PSU's browser agent details |
withPsuTppCustomerId(String) |
(Optional) Identifier of the PSU in TPP system |
withPsuIPAddress(String) |
(Optional) IP address of PSU's terminal device. Required when isLivePsuRequest=true |
withValidUntilDateTime(LocalDateTime) |
(Optional) Consent valid until date time. Сan only represent future date value |
withCredentials(String iban) |
(Optional) Elements used to define the credentials provided by PSU |
withMerchant(String MerchantId, String MerchantName) |
(Optional) Merchant id and name |
Consent | Description |
consentRequestId |
ID of the consent request |
scaRedirectUri |
Redirect URL for SCA |
GetConsentRequest request = new GetConsentRequestBuilder()
.withMerchant("MerchantId", "MerchantName")
.addAccount("ACCNUMBR1234567", "EUR", "IBAN")
Consent consent = mastercardAis.consents().get(request);
Request Options | Description |
withAspspId(String) |
Identification of ASPSP |
withIsLivePsuRequest(Boolean) |
Flag indicating if request is initiated by PSU |
withAuthorization(String) |
The authorization query received after PSU has authorized the consent (e.g code=xx) |
withPsuAgent(String) |
(Optional) PSU's browser agent details |
withPsuIPAddress(String) |
(Optional) IP address of PSU's terminal device. Required when isLivePsuRequest=true |
withMerchant(String MerchantId, String MerchantName) |
(Optional) Merchant id and name |
Authorized Consent | Description |
consentId |
Consent Id |
consentRequestId |
ID of the consent request |
originalRequestInfo |
Original xRequestId given by the client on request |
signatureStatus |
Status of validation of ASPSP's signature |
AuthConsentRequest request = new AuthConsentRequestBuilder()
.withMerchant("MerchantId", "MerchantName")
AuthorizedConsent consent = mastercardAis.consents().authorize(request);
Request Options | Description |
withAspspId(String) |
Identification of ASPSP |
withIsLivePsuRequest(Boolean) |
Flag indicating if request is initiated by PSU |
withPsuAgent(String) |
(Optional) PSU's browser agent details |
withPsuTppCustomerId(String) |
(Optional) Identifier of the PSU in TPP system |
withPsuIPAddress(String) |
(Optional) IP address of PSU's terminal device. Required when isLivePsuRequest=true |
withMerchant(String MerchantId, String MerchantName) |
(Optional) Merchant id and name |
Raw Consent | Description |
rawConsent |
Raw consent data received from ASPSP and encoded Base64 |
originalRequestInfo |
Original xRequestId given by the client on request |
GetRawConsentRequest request = new GetRawConsentRequestBuilder()
.withMerchant("MerchantId", "MerchantName")
RawConsent rawConsent = mastercardAis.consents().getRaw(request);
Request Options | Description |
withAspspId(String) |
Identification of ASPSP |
withConsentId(String) |
Consent identification |
withPsuTppCustomerId(String) |
(Optional) Identifier of the PSU in TPP system |
withMerchant(String MerchantId, String MerchantName) |
(Optional) Merchant id and name |
DeleteConsentRequest request = new DeleteConsentRequestBuilder()
.withMerchant("MerchantId", "MerchantName")
Request Options | Description |
withAspspId(String) |
Identification of ASPSP |
withMerchant(String MerchantId, String MerchantName) |
(Optional) Merchant id and name |
withIsLivePsuRequest(Boolean) |
Flag indicating if request is initiated by PSU |
withConsentId(String) |
Consent identification |
withPsuAgent(String) |
(Optional) PSU's browser agent details |
withPsuIPAddress(String) |
(Optional) IP address of PSU's terminal device. Required when isLivePsuRequest=true |
withPsuTppCustomerId(String) |
(Optional) Identifier of the PSU in TPP system |
AccountList | Description |
accounts |
List of Account Models |
ListAccountsRequest request = new ListAccountsRequestBuilder()
.withMerchant("MerchantId", "MerchantName")
AccountList accountList = mastercardAis.accounts().list(request);
Request Options | Description |
withAspspId(String) |
Identification of ASPSP |
withAccountId(String) |
Account reference |
withIsLivePsuRequest(Boolean) |
Flag indicating if request is initiated by PSU |
withConsentId(String) |
Consent identification |
withPsuAgent(String) |
(Optional) PSU's browser agent details |
withPsuIPAddress(String) |
(Optional) IP address of PSU's terminal device. Required when isLivePsuRequest=true |
withPsuTppCustomerId(String) |
(Optional) Identifier of the PSU in TPP system |
withMerchant(String MerchantId, String MerchantName) |
(Optional) Merchant id and name |
Account | Description |
resourceId |
Account reference identification |
currency |
Currency code |
accountHolderType |
Specifies the type of account |
accountType |
Specifies the sub type of account |
nameClient |
Accounts name client |
name |
Account name |
holderName |
Holder name |
accountNumber |
Account number |
schemeName |
List of Account Models |
auxData |
List of Account Models |
accountPsuRelations |
Description of relations between PSU and an Account |
balances |
Balance Model |
holderAddress |
holderNameAddress |
GetAccountRequest request = new GetAccountRequestBuilder()
.withMerchant("MerchantId", "MerchantName")
Account account = mastercardAis.accounts().get(request);
Request Options | Description |
withAspspId(String) |
Identification of ASPSP |
withAccountId(String) |
Account reference |
withIsLivePsuRequest(Boolean) |
Flag indicating if request is initiated by PSU |
withConsentId(String) |
Consent identification |
withPsuAgent(String) |
(Optional) PSU's browser agent details |
withPsuIPAddress(String) |
(Optional) IP address of PSU's terminal device. Required when isLivePsuRequest=true |
withPsuTppCustomerId(String) |
(Optional) Identifier of the PSU in TPP system |
withMerchant(String MerchantId, String MerchantName) |
(Optional) Merchant id and name |
Account | Description |
resourceId |
Account reference identification |
name |
Account name |
balances |
Balance Model |
Balance | Description |
balanceType |
Type of balance |
dateTime |
Datetime |
creditDebitIndicator |
Indicated the type of the resource |
balanceAmount |
Balance Model |
GetBalanceRequest request = new GetBalanceRequestBuilder()
.withMerchant("MerchantId", "MerchantName")
Account account = mastercardAis.accounts().balance(request);
Request Options | Description |
withAspspId(String) |
Identification of ASPSP |
withAccountId(String) |
Account reference |
withIsLivePsuRequest(Boolean) |
Flag indicating if request is initiated by PSU |
withConsentId(String) |
Consent identification |
withPsuAgent(String) |
(Optional) PSU's browser agent details |
withPsuIPAddress(String) |
(Optional) IP address of PSU's terminal device. Required when isLivePsuRequest=true |
withPsuTppCustomerId(String) |
(Optional) Identifier of the PSU in TPP system |
withMerchant(String MerchantId, String MerchantName) |
(Optional) Merchant id and name |
withLimit(Integer) |
(Optional) Number of transactions to be returned |
withOffset(String) |
(Optional) Offset value obtained from previous calls to get transactions |
Standing Orders List | Description |
offset |
Offset value obtained from previous calls to get transactions |
dateTime |
Datetime |
standingOrders |
List of standing order models |
Standing Order | Description |
standingOrderId |
Standing order identification |
firstPayment |
StandingOrderPayment model |
nextPayment |
StandingOrderPayment model |
finalPayment |
StandingOrderPayment model |
schedule |
StandingOrderSchedule model |
recipientAccount |
AccountNumber model |
reference |
Reference |
status |
Status |
AccountNumber | Description |
date |
Payment date |
currency |
Currency code |
amount |
Amount value |
StandingOrderPayment | Description |
identification |
Account identification |
schemeName |
Account schema |
name |
StandingOrderSchedule | Description |
frequency |
Scheduling frequency |
ListStandingOrdersRequest request = new ListStandingOrdersRequestBuilder()
.withMerchant("MerchantId", "MerchantName")
StandingOrdersList standingOrdersList = mastercardAis.standingOrders().list(request);
Request Options | Description |
withAspspId(String) |
Identification of ASPSP |
withAccountId(String) |
Account reference |
withTransactionId(String) |
Transaction reference |
withConsentId(String) |
Consent identification |
withIsLivePsuRequest(Boolean) |
Flag indicating if request is initiated by PSU |
withPsuAgent(String) |
(Optional) PSU's browser agent details |
withPsuIPAddress(String) |
(Optional) IP address of PSU's terminal device. Required when isLivePsuRequest=true |
withPsuTppCustomerId(String) |
(Optional) Identifier of the PSU in TPP system |
withMerchant(String MerchantId, String MerchantName) |
(Optional) Merchant id and name |
Transaction | Description |
transactionId |
Transaction identification |
bookingDateTime |
Date and time when a transaction entry is posted to an account. |
remittanceInformationUnstructured |
Description of the payment |
status |
Status of the transaction. |
creditDebitIndicator |
Indicated the type of the resourc |
tradeDate |
Transaction trade date time. |
senderAccountNumber |
Sender account number |
recipientAccountNumber |
Recepient account number |
recipientAccountMassPayment |
Recipient mass payment account number |
recipientBankBicOrSwift |
Recipient bank BIC/SWIFT code |
recipientBankName |
Recipient bank name |
recipientBankCode |
Recipient bank code |
recipientBankCountryCode |
Recipient bank country code |
senderAccountMassPayment |
Sender mass payment account number. |
senderBankBicOrSwift |
Sender bank BIC/SWIFT code |
senderBankName |
Sender bank name |
senderBankCode |
Sender bank code |
senderBankCountryCode |
Sender bank country code |
transactionType |
Transaction type |
postTransactionBalance |
Post transaction balance |
mcc |
Merchant Category Code of the Card Acceptor |
rejectionReason |
Rejection reason |
rejectionDate |
Rejection date |
holdExpirationDate |
Hold expiration date |
senderName |
Name of the debtor in current transaction |
recipientName |
Name of the creditor in current transaction (recipient's name) |
senderAccountNumberScheme |
Scheme name of the account number that belongs to the sender/debtor |
senderNameAddress |
Balance Model |
recipientAccountNumberScheme |
Scheme name of the account number that belongs to the recipient/creditor |
transactionAmount |
TransactionAmount Model |
GetTransactionRequest request = new GetTransactionRequestBuilder()
.withMerchant("MerchantId", "MerchantName")
Transaction transaction = mastercardAis.transactions().get(request);
Request Options | Description |
withAspspId(String) |
Identification of ASPSP |
withAccountId(String) |
Account reference |
withIsLivePsuRequest(Boolean) |
Flag indicating if request is initiated by PSU |
withConsentId(String) |
Consent identification |
withPsuAgent(String) |
(Optional) PSU's browser agent details |
withPsuIPAddress(String) |
(Optional) IP address of PSU's terminal device. Required when isLivePsuRequest=true |
withPsuTppCustomerId(String) |
(Optional) Identifier of the PSU in TPP system |
withMerchant(String MerchantId, String MerchantName) |
(Optional) Merchant id and name |
withLimit(Integer) |
(Optional) Number of transactions to be returned |
withOffset(String) |
(Optional) Offset value obtained from previous calls to get transactions |
withBookingDateFrom(String) |
(Optional) Inclusive lower bound of the transaction booking date |
withbookingDateTo(String) |
(Optional) Inclusive upper bound of the transaction booking date |
Transactions List | Description |
offset |
Offset value obtained from previous calls to get transactions |
transactions |
List of transaction models |
ListTransactionsRequest request = new ListTransactionsRequestBuilder()
.withMerchant("MerchantId", "MerchantName")
TransactionList transactionList = mastercardAis.transactions().list(request);
Request Options | Description |
withId(String) |
(Optional) Filter by internal id of ASPSP |
withName(String) |
(Optional) Filter by name of ASPSP |
withCountry(Boolean) |
(Optional) Filter by country code |
withLimit(String) |
(Optional) Number of rows per page |
addAdditionalData(String) |
(Optional) AdditionalData Model |
withOffset(String) |
(Optional) Pagination offset, the value returned from the previous request |
AdditionalData | Description |
capabilities |
logo |
health |
credentials |
AspspList | Description |
offset |
Pagination offset |
aspsps |
Aspsp Model |
AspspList | Description |
id |
Pagination offset |
name |
Name of the ASPSP |
profile |
ASPSP profile |
country |
Country code |
capabilities |
AspspCapabilities Model |
logo |
AspspLogo Model |
health |
AspspHealth Model |
credentialFields |
List of AspspCredentialField Models |
offset |
Offset used in the next request to get next page |
ListAspspsRequest request = new ListAspspsRequestBuilder()
.withName("Apollo Bank")
AspspList aspspList = mastercardAis.aspsps().list(request);
Nikos Rigas - [email protected]
Distributed under the MIT License