Module of High-level programming and Python, carried out during Full Stack Software Engineering studies at [ALX School].
- Python Scripts are written with Python 3.8.5
- Tested on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
All of the following folders are projects done during the studies:
Project name | Description |
[0x00-hello_world ] |
It aims to learn about variables, basics commands (print) and handle strings with Python |
[0x01-python-if_else_loops_functions ] |
It aims to learn about if/else statements, loops, range and functions in Python |
[0x02-python-import_modules ] |
It aims to learn how to import functions, how to create modules and how to use command line arguments in Python |
[0x03-python-data_structures ] |
It aims to learn about lists, tuples and strings in Python |
[0x04-python-more_data_structures ] |
It aims to learn about sets, dictionaries and functions to handle data structures like lambda, map, reduce and filter in Python |
[0x05-python-exceptions ] |
It aims to learn about exceptions, how to use them, how to use errors and how to raise them in Python |
[0x06-python-exceptions ] |
It aims to learn about object oriented programming (OOP), classes, objects, instances, methods and attributes in Python |
[0x07-python-test_driven_development ] |
It aims to learn about docstrings to create and implement tests in Python |
[0x08-python-more_classes ] |
It aims to learn about object oriented programming (OOP), Data Abstraction, Data Encapsulation, instances and classes attributes in Python |
[0x09-python-everything_is_object ] |
It aims to learn about object oriented programming (OOP), mutability, identity and data types in Python |
[0x0A-python-inheritance ] |
It aims to learn about inheritance, superclass, baseclass and subclass in Python |
[0x0B-python-input_output ] |
It aims to learn how to open, read, write and append files from a script in Python |
[0x0C-python-almost_a_circle ] |
It aims to learn about unit testing, serialization, deserialization, JSON, args and kwargs in Python |
[0x0D-SQL_introduction ] |
It aims to learn about databases, relational databases, subqueries, tables, MySQL statements and functions |
[0x0E-SQL_more_queries ] |
It aims to learn about how to create a new user, manage privileges for a user, PRIMARY KEY , FOREIGN KEY , constraints, subqueries, JOIN and UNION with MySQL |
[0x0F-python-object_relational_mapping ] |
It aims to learn about how to connect to a MySQL database from a Python script, what ORM means and how to map a Python Class to a MySQL table |