This application is designed to facilitate file operations such as copying, cutting, and duplicating files from a source to a destination folder. It offers functionality to handle file overwrite, duplicate files with unique names, and interact with multiple files simultaneously.
- Copy: Copies selected files from the source to the destination folder.
- Cut: Moves selected files from the source to the destination folder.
- Duplicate: Creates a duplicate of selected files in the destination folder.
- Overwrite Confirmation: Prompts for confirmation before overwriting existing files.
Open Source and Destination Locations:
- Click Open File Location to select source files.
- Click Destination Location to choose the target folder.
Copy Files:
- Click Copy and Overwrite to copy files to the destination, overwriting existing files if necessary.
Cut Files:
- Click Cut and Overwrite to move files to the destination, overwriting existing files if necessary.
Duplicate Files:
- Click Copy and Duplicate to create duplicates of files in the destination folder.
GitHub Repository:
- Click on the GitHub icon to visit the application's repository.
- Requirements: Windows OS, .NET Framework installed.
- Go to Releases section you can find exe file
- Language: C#
- Framework: .NET Framework
- IDE: Visual Studio
- Dependencies: None
- Nahusenay
- @NattyXO
If you encounter any issues or errors, feel free to open an issue in the GitHub repository.