Tags: NFFT/nfft
Toggle 3.5.4-rc1's commit message
Merge branch 'develop' into release/3.5.4
Toggle 3.5.3's commit message
updated binary build scripts
Toggle 3.5.3-rc2's commit message
updated binary build scripts
Toggle 3.5.3-rc1's commit message
Merge #125 to release branch
Toggle 3.5.2's commit message
added remark on Windows tests to Changelog
Toggle 3.5.2-rc4's commit message
Travis: add Windows environment with Julia
Octave is currently not working in Windows-Travis
Test all precisions and window functions only with gcc
Toggle 3.5.2-rc3's commit message
Bugfixes in build scripts
Toggle 3.5.2-rc2's commit message
fixed linux build script: julia fastsum, julia/matlab tests before pa…
…ckaging as in windows build script
Toggle 3.5.2-rc1's commit message
bump minor so version, fix julia fastsum Makefile, change default arc…
…hitecture to haswell in windows/linux binary build script
Toggle 3.5.1's commit message
fixed missing -O3 in linux build script which caused slow computations
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