🔭 I’m currently working/collaborating on TODOBOT, x0 and Iconic-Channels. All my discord related stuff was moved here @shitcorp
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on pretty much anything that involves a REST API
🤔 I’m looking for help with TODOBOT
💬 Ask me about Infosec, future of programming languages
📫 How to reach me:
Discord: 686669011601326281 Email: N/A
😄 Pronouns: he/him
- amxrmxhdx wrote on 7/17/2023: Very professional person to work with. Built a whole project from scratch together 👍🏼
- boloped wrote on 1/12/2023: Meerbiene is a cool guy. I really like him.
- MeerBiene wrote on 1/15/2022: test
Do you like my project or just want to say hi? Feel free to post to my guestbook!