This application depends on scala, sbt and docker. It was developed with sbt 1.9.8, scala 3.3.1 and Docker 25.0.3. Other version will likely work for all dependencies.
Below is a diagram of the whole system. The arrows from one service to another represent the direction the data flows.
Built the docker containers by running sbt docker
Run docker compose up -d
to start all containers.
After a second or two run the following command in the console.
curl -X POST localhost:8080/api/v1/push_message?message=hello!
you should get a response telling you how long it waited in the gRPC server.
Go to http://localhost:5601/app/dev_tools#/console
Run the following query:
GET elastic_messages/_search
"query": {
"match_all": {}
Log into postgres using something like DBeaver. Run the following query:
select * from postgres_messages;
Start a CQL session using docker
docker run --rm -it --network oteldemo-network nuvo/docker-cqlsh cqlsh cassandra 9042 --cqlversion='3.4.6'
then run
select * from store.cassandra_messages;
To see traces for each http request go to http://localhost:16686/search
. Individual traces look like what is displayed below.