A simple twitter bot that will reply when summoned, that is also ready to be deployed to Heroku.
To run the app locally, install the node dependencies.
npm install
Then, start the server with the command:
npm start
To deploy the master branch of the app to heroku, just run the following command:
git push heroku master
If you want to deploy another branch, use the following command:
git push heroku <BRANCH-NAME>:master
This repository was developed using the following resources:
- Create a simple yet effective twitter bot in nodejs
- Twit package
- Twitter reply bot
- 10 - Twitter reply bot
- Twitter-API-v2-sample-code
- twitter-api-typescript-sdk
If the app is not able to twit because of Error 401 - Read-only application cannot POST
, follow the following documents:
To configure and deploy to Heroku, use the following resources:
Important: Do not forget to add the credentials to the Heroku app in the Dashboard.