Releases: MairwunNx/SacredUtils
Releases · MairwunNx/SacredUtils
Changes included in SacredUtils- (
- Final release, added "Final" to version as suffix.
- Added Edit Hero Positions button in Modify tab.
- Fixed not correct background for color convert dialog.
- Updated Config.Net and Config.Net.Json package.
- Updated Fody and Costura.Fody Package.
- Updated DotNetZip package.
- Updated MaterialDesignInXaml.
- Updated assembly info year copyright.
Changes included in SacredUtils- (
- Updated Fody and Costura.Fody and DotNetZip library
- Updated MaterialDesignInXaml library
- Now old BalanceBinEditor replaced on SacredMagician
Changes included in SacredUtils- (
- Fixed some-not-working hotkeys emulation
- Added configuration slider line color in settings
- Improved colors for light and dark themes
- Fixed refreshing application settings to null
- Added settings for customize run Sacred file
- Added settings for customize sacred configuration
- Added SacredUtils unhandled exception crash-reporting
- AcceptLicense SacredUtils setting moved to AppData settings
- Added anonymos sending SacredUtils crash-reports
- Fixed no clickable settings caused by images
- Added change color active category for packicon
- Improved ApplicationBaseWindowHotkey code
- Updated libraries and project package dependencies
- Added ability changing open logs and settings program
- Added ability change register hotkeys delay setting
- Added ability change font sizes in auto size
- Added ability disable \ enable showing no connection icon
- Added pseudo fix screenshot+ in not fullscreen mode
- Added fix so big using memory in fonts combobox
- Added ability enable \ disable async loading font collection
- Improved random spashes loading and added more splashes!
- Renamed patch to themes from themes to thms
- Added settings on refreshing settings on window focus
- Added Key for open game settings (Default F3)
- Small improve code for ApplicationStartEmulateHotkeys
- Big refactoring and code optimization for project
- Improved code for creating theme and language files
- Added setting CreateScreenshotAsync and improved code for it
- Improved code. Simplified scale code. Improved backup files
- Improved code for Graphics settings 4. Added applying dialog
- Improved and fixed shutdown and startup logger messages
- Fixed small setting NETWORK_SPEEDSETTINGS bug
- Removed redundant Sacred game configuration options
- Improved code compilation and added setting for hotkeys
- Added tooltips for close and minimize buttons
- Added \ done simplified hotkey ui and settings
- Added SetForegroundWindow sacred for simplified hotkeys
- Added ability to change font sizes, added setting for change it
- Added Heal Companion and Open Combo Menu hotkeys
- Fixed critical bug caused by not configured hotkey
- Fixed bug with nullable language, if language not set in settings
- Added SacredUtils application performance settings
- Added setting for configure ScreenShot create key
- Added clear application components cache dialog
- Updated design and improved change log dialog
- Added ability show application changelog dialog
- Added clear application components cache dialog
- Changed default font for tooltip to GoogleSans Medium
- Added ability for disabling win button in game
- Added ability to load sacred with argument -disableWinKey
- Added checking on availability "Capture" directory
- Added settings for changing custom screenshot resolution
- Optimized code for Starting game with arguments
- Fixed startup crash if directories not exists
- Fixed System.InvalidCastException for pages navigation
- Added ability to restoring default sacred game fonts
- Added ability to remove configurable sacred game fonts
- Added restoring default fonts for en and ru localizations
- Added checking on old version settings.json file
Changes included in SacredUtils- (
- Added ability changing and adding game HotKeys
- Fixed always starting Sacred with argument CHEATS=1
- Optimized SacredUtils file size, moved on GoogleDrive
- Removed application settings for creating pdb file
- Updated Costura.Fody and Fody and MDIX packages
- Added and Enabled dpiAware function (for dpi scaling)
- Removed Sacred Hotkey Tweaker from resources. My hotkeys better.
Changes included in SacredUtils- (
- Improved project code fixed many logic bugs
- Updated Costura.Fody and MaterialDesignInXaml packages
- Improved SacredUtils MainWindows.xaml.cs code
- Fixed problem with minimizing window before launch game
- Improved SacredUtils MainWindow XAML markup code
- Added checking date on SacredUtils project birthday
- Improved and cleanup markup and behind SacredUtils code
- Added opportunity to change language in game
- Added opportunity to screen to fullscreen game
- Added disability checkboxes in start game menu
- Fixed logic errors in start menu sacred game
- Fixed incorrent saving screenshot resolution in game
- Fixed not-deleted tga and jpg files while screening
- Also fixed some text strings, thanks @Keboo
- Added more controlled game screenshot settings
- Added reloading sacred game settings on F5 key
- Added quick sacred game launch mode with args
- Fixed errors on updating and update exceptions
Changes included in SacredUtils- (
- Created new changelog file for SacredUtils project
- Completely rewritten SacredUtils project code from scratch
- Fully redesigned XAML markup and SacredUtils design
- Utility launch is accelerated and the utility is optimized
- Version numbering changed (From Rv~ to numerical values)
- Optimized update release checking and logic bug fixes
- Optimized sending SacredUtils user and download statistics
- Optimized getting Sacred components (Voiceovers and other)
- Optimized getting SacredUtils updates and logic bug fixes
- Optimized changing SacredUtils ui language and theme
- Optimized SacredUtils logger, now logger on en language
- Optimized loading SacredUtils application settings
- Optimized loading Sacred game settings (Without convert)
- Optimized applying Sacred game settings (Without convert)
- Optimized making backup configuration files, and bug fixes
- Optimized getting SacredUtils font settings random splashes
- Added ability to disabling SacredUtils event logging
- Added ability to changing SacredUtils user interface scale
- Added ability to changing language without reloading app
- Added ability to disabling telemetry and getting statistics
- Added ability to checking Sacred components on integrity
- Added ability to creating generated colored nicknames
- Added ability to run external sacred projects (in modif)
- Added ability to disabling making backup configurations
- Added ability to disabling \ enabling water animations
- Added ability to disabling \ enabling lava animations
- Added ability to disabling \ enabling bog animations
- Added ability to disabling \ enabling footsteps visibility
- Added ability to disabling \ enabling health visibility
- Added ability to disabling \ enabling old game interface
- Added ability to disabling \ enabling hashing components
- Added ability to selecting startup sacred parameters
- Added ability to disabling \ enabling showing changelog
- Added ability to disabling \ enabling showing used memory
- Added ability to fully disabling checking for updates
SacredUtils (1.2A Rv4 B10 (290618))
- Fixed lenght for font example textbox.
- Changed primary color for dark theme.
- Restricted Tab key.
- Added link on SacredUtils site.
- Rename Debug console to Debug menu.
- Some windows converted to modal windows.
SacredUtils (1.2R Rv4 B9 (260618))
- Added debug menu and console.
- Fixed bug with update from 1 build to 9.
- Updated Costura Fody and Fody libraries.
- Added automatic copying configurations to backup folder.
- Added auto deleting unnecessary files.
- Renamed file to langversion.dat.
- Added saving info about voiceovers.
- Added more random splashes!
- Expanded example text area for very long content.
SacredUtils (1.2R Rv4 B8 (220618))
- Added the ability to quickly change the language.
- Removed .En, .De, .Ru projects, they are merged into one.
- Some code optimization.
- Added checking of the integrity of language files.
- Added version checking of language files.
- Added more random splashes!
SacredUtils.De (1.2R Rv4 B7 (200618))
- Added random splashes in example label.
- Added random splashes by shalinorus!
- Added silent update, and available notify.
- Maybe i fixed download components func.
- App config fixed.
- Code optimizations and added button "Chat".
- Package Costura fody updated.
- Added MahApps and Border and Glow window.
- Changed no active color for glow and border.
- Added FlexibleMessageBox sources.
- Added changelog messagebox.