Eye-Fi Presenter receives photos from an Eye-Fi SD-Card and displays them in real time as they appear.
Every pictures taken with the Eye-Fi card is displayed in full screen until the next one arrives.
Eye-Fi Presenter is open source (MIT License) and built on top of open (source) web technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Ruby and Sinatra). The actual presenter is a HTML5 page which can be displayed in full screen by using a browser that supports a full screen mode, such as Google Chrome. The Best solution is to open the presenter page in a separate chrome window, move it to the 2nd screen / projector and go full screen there.
Eye-Fi Presenter also includes it's own Eye-Fi Server to receive photos so there is no need to install the official Eye-Fi Software on the machine. The original server was written by Kenneth Keiter.
Look for your Eye-Fi Cards MAC address as well as UploadKey. On Mac OS your can do this by looking into Eye-Fi's Settings file.
cat ~/Library/Eye-Fi/Settings.xml
Add the MAC address and UploadKey to the config.rb file:
# get MAC and UploadKey from ~/Library/Eye-Fi/Settings.xml
CARD_MAC = 'aabb1122ccdd'
CARD_KEY = '1234567890a123456789b1234567890c'
# this should equal the resolution of your target screen
IMGSIZE = '1024x768'
BASEDIR = File.join('public', 'photos')
ORIGINALDIR = File.join(BASEDIR, 'originals')
Then start the server with:
ruby server.rb
And the viewer with:
ruby viewer.rb
The server listens on port 59278 (necessary for Eye-Fi) and the viewer on port 4567 (you can change this if you like).
Start viewing the incoming photos on
That's it.
- 1.0 - 24.03.2011
- initial release
Written by Matthias Schmidt for enjoy the reality 2011