note: this repo started out as a fork from magnars/.emacs.d repo, but meanwhile the former ‘master’ branch is renamed to ‘magnars’ branch for historic / nostalgia purposes and the current master branch is my current config, from scratch. this also means, that this repo is actually no longer a fork of magnars/.emacs.d in the usual sense. pardon, I was to lazy to make a new repo.
- “minimal” startup from 4 files: init, custom, keybinds, and theme. all the rest is pulled in from init.el using straight.el and use-package.el. first startup will fetch everything. subsequent startups will update.
- use M-x customize for everything except faces!
- try keep custom-set-faces empty
- put faces into theme instead!
- avoid package.el like the plague!
- instead we roll with straight.el and use-package.el
- stay away from things like doomemacs or spacemacs.. use vanilla GNU/Emacs (!)
- completely ignore existence of Windows and MacOS…
- no “helm” or “evil-mode”. THIS. IS. EMACS.
- modal editing sucks! I want normal editing and shortcuts!
- make backup of existing directory ~/.emacs.d/ (just rename it)
- clone repo to ~/.emacs.d/ or symlink
- make edits as you see fit
- have recent Emacs installed (get tarball or compile if distro sux)
- run Emacs first time
- it does whole bunch of things… wait
- if no fail: all good
- if fail: restart with –debug-init and fix things
- check contents of ~/.emacs.d/ have been updated
- make sure to keep ~/.emacs.d/.gitignore updated
- check everything before push changes! don’t include secrets!