About | Technologies used | Requirements | Starting | Where to learn more | License | Developer
Project developed in the 7th edition of Next Level Week of Rocketseat, a free event that aims to take you to the next level 🚀. The trail I chose was the intermediate one, Impulse, ideal for someone who has been programming for some time.
- NodeJS
- ReactJS
- React Native [:warning:SOON]
- Elixir [:warning:SOON]
On the back-end, the main technologies used were NodeJS, Typescript, Prisma, Socket.io and SQLite.
To test the application's routes, Insomnia was used. Use the configuration I used through the button below:
- On the front-end, the main technologies used were ReactJS, Typescript, Vite, Styled Components and SASS.
Before starting 🏁, you need to have Git and Node installed.
Back-end: Node
- Open your terminal and do the following commands:
# Clone the folder.
$ git clone https://github.com/LissandraRodrigues/NLW_Heat/tree/master/node
# Access it.
$ cd node
# Create an .env file inside the node folder.
$ touch .env
- Go to your GitHub account -> Settings -> Developer Settings -> OAuthApps, create a new OAuth App, generate a client secret and put it in the .env file, along with the client ID and some random code for JWT_SECRET (Could be literally anything) as in the example below:
- Now just follow the step by step below on your terminal:
# Install dependencies.
$ yarn install
or $ npm install
# Run the migrations.
$ yarn prisma migrate dev
or $ npm prisma migrate dev
# Run the project.
$ yarn dev
or $ npm dev
Front-end: ReactJS
- Open your terminal and do the following commands:
# Clone the folder.
$ git clone https://github.com/LissandraRodrigues/NLW_Heat/tree/master/web
# Access it.
$ cd web
# Install dependencies.
$ yarn install
or $ npm install
# Run the project.
$ yarn dev
or $ npm dev
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This project is under license from MIT. To learn more, see LICENSE.
Developed with ❤ by Luiza Lissandra 🚀