Abstract: This project intends to develop a high-quality many-to-many emotion conversion model that can convert a speech audio into specified emotions. To achieve this goal, we use pretrained parallel CNN-transformers model with high speech emotion recognition accuracy to extract emotion embeddings
Install by pip install -r requirements.txt
├── MCD.py
├── ParallelCNNTrans.py
├── README.md
├── VAE_Trainer.py
├── VAW_GAN.py
├── VAW_Trainer.py
├── analyzer.py
├── audio_speech_actors_01-24
├── bin
├── build.py
├── convert.py
├── converted
├── emotion_representation.py
├── logdir
├── main.py
├── model
├── notebooks
│ ├── WorldVocoder.ipynb
│ ├── parallel_cnn_transformer.ipynb
│ └── visualization.ipynb
├── preprocess_utils.py
├── ravdess_complete_feature_embedding.npy
├── requirements.txt
├── trainer.py
└── util.py
Access Parallel CNN-Transformer Model Architecure from ParallelCNNTrans.py
. Extract emotion embedding through: emotion_representation.py
The training process and training pipeline for SER model is described in notebook/parallel_cnn_transformer.ipynb
. The pretrained weight for SER model is saved in ./bin/models/
To preprocess RAVDESS dataset and linking embedding with processed data, we use build.py
to build the pre-processed dataset with normalization. The extracted compelete preprocessed data with embedding is saved in ./ravdess_complete_feature_embedding.npy
, and the normalization data is stored in ./bin/etc/
Our VAW Model Architecture is showed in VAW_GAN.py
To train VAE, we can call VAE_Trainer.py
,the training status will be logged in logdirs and the final model will be saved in ./model
. To train the VAW, we need to call VAW_Trainer.py
and specified the loading VAE weights dir (where the VAE be saved). Otherwise we can call main.py
with Trainer.py
to complete VAE and VAW all at once.
Some of our visualization script is showed in the ./notebook/visualization.ipynb
, be catious about the type of logging data, please use def process()
to process the loading data.
Call Convert.py
, specify the path for loading weight and the source and target, the generated audio will be saved in ./converted/
To evaluate the result, call MCD.py to compute the MCD value(s).