- 🏫 I Studied at
Vidyaloka College
- 🎓 I'm Studying at
- Institute of Software Engineering - 👨💻 I’m currently learning
Computer Science
andSoftware Engineering
- 🤔 I’m looking for
Help With Coding
- 💻 Ask me about
,Spring Boot
- 📧 How to reach me [email protected]
077 4519007
078 3686117
import java.util.List;
public class WhoAmI {
public static String user = "Kavithma Thushal";
public static String institute = "IJSE - Institute of Software Engineering";
public static String learning = "Computer Science and Software Engineering";
public static List<String> skills = List.of("Java", "OOP", "Spring Boot", "JS", "TS", "React", "MySQL", "MongoDB");
public static List<String> positions = List.of("Full Stack Developer", "Web Developer", "Java Developer");
public static List<String> hobbies = List.of("Gaming", "Music", "Coding", "Sci-Fi Movies", "Learning New Things");
public static String getCity() {
return "Galle-SriLanka";
public static String ambition() {
return "Become a Software Engineer";
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("My name is : " + user);
System.out.println("I am learning in : " + institute);
System.out.println("Currently learning : " + learning);
System.out.println("My skills are : " + skills);
System.out.println("I can join with : " + positions);
System.out.println("My hobbies are : " + hobbies);
System.out.println("I live in : " + getCity());
System.out.println("My ambition is : " + ambition());
Title | Icon |
Programming Languages | |
Scripting Languages | |
Framworks & Libraries | |
Mobile Application Development | |
Tools | |
Databases | |
Version Control | |
Others |
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