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Kais take-home for Durable

CI Coverage

A beautiful static blog using Next.js with markdown support.

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Install dependencies:
    npm install
  3. Start the development server:
    npm run dev

Writing Posts

  1. Create a new .md file in the _posts directory, the filename will be used as the slug for the post
  2. Add the following frontmatter at the top of your markdown file:
    title: "Your Post Title"
    date: "2024-10-24"
    excerpt: "A brief description of your post"
    image: ""
  3. Write your post content in markdown below the frontmatter


The project includes a comprehensive test suite using Vitest and Testing Library:

  • Unit Tests: Test individual components and utilities

    npm run test          # Run tests
    npm run test:watch    # Run tests in watch mode
    npm run coverage      # Generate coverage report
  • E2E Tests: Test full user flows with Playwright

    npm run test:e2e     # Run e2e tests
    npm run test:e2e:ui  # Run e2e tests with UI

Test Structure

  • __tests__/: Unit tests
  • e2e/: End-to-end tests

Coverage Goals

  • All new features must include tests
  • E2E tests for critical user flows

Building for Production

This project is configured for static exports, making it perfect for deployment on static hosting platforms.

  1. Build the static site:
    npm run build
  2. The static site will be generated in the out directory
  3. You can preview the built site locally:
    npx serve out

When deploying to Vercel, the platform will automatically:

  • Run npm run build to generate the static export
  • Optimize and serve the static files from the out directory
  • Enable instant static page serving through their global edge network


This project is configured for static site generation using Next.js's output: "export" configuration.

When deploying to Vercel:

  1. Connect your GitHub repository to Vercel:

    • Go to Vercel
    • Import your repository
    • Vercel will automatically detect Next.js settings
  2. Vercel automatically handles:

    • Production deployments from the master branch
    • Preview deployments for all Pull Requests
    • Instant rollbacks if needed
    • Static file optimization and delivery through their global edge network

The Vercel GitHub integration provides:

  • Automatic deployments
  • Preview deployments for PRs
  • Deploy comments on PRs
  • Branch protection rules
  • Deploy statuses in GitHub

Project Structure

  • _posts/: Markdown files for blog posts
  • app/: Next.js app directory
  • components/: UI components
  • lib/: Utility functions and blog helpers
