I'm a 22 years old French boy 🇫🇷
- 🚵♂️ Sports: cycling, swimming and hiking
- 🧠 Learning new things
- 👨💻 Write some code
- 😎 Contribute to Yaru
- 📷 Taking some pictures
- 🔭 Astronomy, universe and stars
- 🎮 Playing video games (I love The Legend of Zelda and Splatoon)
- 🎧 Listen to music
- Snake AI an experimentation around the creation of an artificial intelligence (NEAT AI) for a Snake game, using Dart and Flutter.
- TLOZ-js a The legend of Zelda like 2D game, written in JS and Canvas2D, running in any modern web browser.
- Libreoffice Yaru a fullcolor icon pack for Libreoffice of the awesome Yaru theme.
- Yaru, the awesome default Ubuntu theme.
- yaru.dart, the Yaru theme for Flutter.
- yaru_icons.dart, Yaru icons for Flutter.
- yaru_widgets.dart, useful desktop Flutter widgets.
- Settings, Gnome settings app built with Flutter.
- Software, Ubuntu software app built with Flutter.
- Villeauvergne.org, a website for a local association.
- Le petit astro my personal website, (old project).
- Paleo.fr, my father's website, which talks about his work, (old project).
- Boutique.paleo.fr, my father's online shop, (old project).