This project has been initialized by the wild group Ynov. Its objective is to provide a Multiplateforme Api for Event Management.
The stack:
- ASP.NET Core
- Entity Framwork
- Xunit
- JWT (HmacSha256)
It'll be necessary to have dotnet 2.0 and mysql installed on your server or local device.
If you don't have it yet, please follow the steps :
In the root solutions directory:
dotnet restore
In the PlannerApi/ directory:
dotnet ef database update
if you get issues with database connection, don't forget to change values in the appsettings.json file. connectionStrings => Mysql &| MysqlTests
dotnet run
If you encounter problem, ensure all tools and package are properly installed.
dotnet publish -c Release
Publish a production version of the API as a dll. If you use linux service, serveur will be started automatically. A restart of the service can be needed.
Units tests are localized in the PlannerApi.Tests folder from the base solution. It merge a complete solution of Unit, Integration, Functional tests.
- cd .../PlannerApi.Tests
- dotnet xunit
Running on mac or windows with visual studio, you can run the tests directly from the UI of your IDE.
If you are planning to create new tests, make sure to use the nested class pattern. Its better for visibilty and architecturing.
However for Integration tests, It's needed to keep a lone instance of fixtures. Use the classic schema One File, One Test Class.
Implentation of IClassFixture Generic Interface is required to use dependency injection.
Using systemctl on Linux configuration to watch dotnet process:
Description=Ynov Api For planner
ExecStart=/usr/bin/dotnet /home/<user>/ynov_planner/PlannerApi/bin/Release/netcoreapp2.0/events_planner.dll