This is an application simulator. It uses DBF structure to construct dialogs and others.
It uses an array, that begins with DBF structure, and adds more needed information/elements.
LIB defined by variables created by HBMK when use HBC At momment HBMK_HAS_HWGUI, HBMK_HAS_HMGE, HBMK_HAS_OOHG, HBMK_HAS_GTWVG, HBMK_HAS_FIVEWIN
Check to see each element
test.prg contains configuration for DBFs created by it.
- aKeyList: field key for each dbf
- aSeekList: to seek code on another dbf
- aBrowseList: to browse data from another dbf related to current record
- aComboList: fields to use combobox and options list
- aCheckList: fields to use checkbox
- aDatePickerList: fields to use datepicker
- aSpinnerList: fields to use spinner
- aAddOptionList: buttons to add
frm_class.prg - create a complete dialog for a database table with or without setup frm_ButtonCreate.prg - buttons on "toolbar" frm_DialogBrowse.prg - dialog with browse frm_DialogData.prg - dialog for the database table frm_DialogFree.prg - dialog without dbf frm_DialogLogin.prg - dialog login frm_DialogMenu.prg - dialog menu of DBFs frm_DialogPreview.prg - dialog to preview single report frm_EditCreate.prg - create all controls used on dialog frm_EditValidate.prg - validate "textbox", can show description, can open browse or dialog frm_EventBrowseClick.prg - from a browse on dialog, create a dialog for database table used on browse frm_EventPrint.prg - generate report for database table frm_FuncMain.prg - main class execute
lib.prg - select a library class, include lib_xxxx as part of it lib_xxxx.prg - class of specific library (hmg3, hmg extended, oohg, fivewin, gtwvg)
test.prg - main procedure, load setup test_dbf.prg - create default DBFs test_LoadSetup.prg - load saved setup test_setup.prg - create default setup for DBFs created on test_dbf.prg