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Welcome to my corner on GitHub! I'm Jeremias from Cordoba, Argentina; a passionate web developer who is exploring the exciting world of programming. Here you will find the projects I will be developing in my learning journey.
I am an enthusiastic web developer in constant search of knowledge and creative solutions. My adventure in the development world began when I discovered the power of technology to change the way we live and work. Since then, I have been immersed in learning new technologies.
My experience with JavaScript/TypeScript has allowed me to create interactive and dynamic web applications, using React and Next as fundamental tools. In addition, I have worked with Node.js to develop robust and scalable backend services, managing SQL and noSQL databases.
I'd love to connect with you! Whether it's to discuss collaborations, exchange ideas or just chat about web development, feel free to contact me:
Thanks for visiting and I hope you find something interesting and useful here! 🌟