This repository is being built as part of our class - Enterprise Architecture and Systems Integration -Batch:Spring 2018, Management Information Systems - University of Nebraska at Omaha.
The repository includes code to build a social networking website.
Collaborators to build this application by integrating Program Interfaces are -
- Narahari Sundaragopalan
- Vivek Bhat Hosmat
- Vaibhav Rahangdale
- Erdenebileg Bat-Erdene
- Deepika Jantz
Create a virtual environment using the command
virtualenv -p python3 <yourEnvNameHere>
Do not push your local virtual environment to github repo. Create the virtual environment in a separate folder outside the repo
Activate your virtual environment using
source <pathToYourVirtualEnv>/bin/activate
- Install Packages using
pip -r requirements.txt
*If you have new packages to install, add them in the requirements.txt file and push that file to the repo*
- Run the migrations using below command from the root folder of your repo
python migrate
- To access the application on http://localhost
python runserver
Another alternative to virtual environment is using Docker containers. See below instructions for setup
From the root directory, run the following command to create a persistent storage for postgres database container. This way the data will persist and we don't have to run django migrations and create a superuser every time we work on it. docker volume create --name postgres-data
Once the volume is created, you can start the Docker containers using
docker-compose up -d
- Once the containers are running, to run the database migrations, use the command
docker-compose run web python migrate
- To create a super user, use
docker-compose run web python createsuperuser
- If you do not want to run your Docker containers all the time, you can stop the containers using
docker-compose down
When you need to run any command with
during development, you need to preface the python [command]
with docker-compose run web
. This tells Docker to run the command on the web container, which is our main Django App container