make a self building insta page
The programme runs fine in python 3.9.6
Developer: or
Known Issues: Video not uploading even when status returns ok
An instagram account A Reddit Application set up look at:
Libraries: Praw Instabot Pillow (rest are in built)
What You Need To Know: Your reddit application's Client ID and Client_Secret
How Do I Start Using It? => you need to do couple a things before you can start your own self-building insta page => make sure your reddit application is set up proplerly and place your client id , client secret , bot name , reddit account username and reddit account password in the praw initialize method => Enter your instagram user id and password in Bot() method as well => look for captionsPost list and add your instagram captions, tailor them according to your needs => the programme which choose a random caption for each post => make sure you have a data.txt file in your script location => run the bot and see it do it's magic! => Bot should upload evrey 15 minutes OR more
Will my account get blocked? => unless you have a decent time between uploading posts you are good to go! => Instagram actually allows unlimited post uploads unlike other restricted things like liking , commenting / hourly basis after which you get rated limited! => in theory you could upload infinitley but that'd make lots of requests and get your insta blocked for few hours => Hence it's neccessary to have delay between posts.
ADDITIONAL: => you can upload your project to heroku or other cloud computing service to run it 24/7 :)