"Coffee Store Management"
'register/' - To register a new user
'login/' - User login
'get-user/token/' - (e.g: get-user/234sdflasdg/) Pass the token and get the user name and the user role
'add-profile-info/' - Add profile info to the database
'get-profile-info/' - get profile info from the database
'update-profile-info/' - update profile info to the database
'add-coffee/' - Add a coffee items to the database
'get-coffee/' - Get all existing coffee items from database
'get-single-item/coffee_id' - (e.g: get-single-item/3/) Use coffee item id instead of coffee_id to get data of single item of coffee
'update-coffee/coffee_id/' - (e.g: update-coffee/3/) Use coffee item id instead of coffee_id to update a existing coffee item
'add-recommended-coffee/' - Add a recommend coffee items to the database
'get-recommended-coffee/' - Get all existing recommend coffee items from database
'delete-recommended-coffee/recommend_coffee_id/' - (e.g: ddelete-recommended-coffee/3/) Pass the recommend_coffee_id to delete
'add-is-favourite/' - Add a coffee item to favourite list
'get-is-favourite/' - Get all favourite coffee items that user marked as favourite
'is-favourite/is_favourite_id/' - (e.g: is-favourite/3/) pass the is_favourite_id to make it true to false.
'get-order/' - Get all order
'make-order/' - User can make a order
'delete-order/order_id/' - (e.g: delete-order/3/) Use the order ID to delete an order from database
'get-shop-name/' - all the shop details will be provided
'get-shop-name/shopName/' - required shop details will be provided
How to pass json data using 'register/' endpoint-
"name": "test",
"email": "[email protected]",
"username": "test",
"password": "test123",
"role": "buyer"
And server will return a token save the token for future use.
How to pass json data using 'login/' endpoint-
"username": "[email protected]",
"password": "test123"
And server will return a token save the token for future use.
Use 'get-user/token/' to get user info. You need to pass the token in the endpoint to get that user info.
and pass headers{
"Authorization": "Token ad6a56f22bba5043a1df2bc44655f205be7057a3"
Read flutter documentation for more info.
How to pass json data using 'profile-info/' endpoint-
Pass image file into "profile"
"user": "ishfak",
"contact": "231341234",
"profile": "image",
"address":"Hotel the peninsuela, GEC, Chittagong, Bangladesh",
"shopName": "412"
and pass headers{
"Authorization": "Token ad6a56f22bba5043a1df2bc44655f205be7057a3"
Read flutter documentation for more info.
How to pass json data using 'get-profile-info/username/' endpoint-
Example - 'get-profile-info/ishfak/'
and pass headers{
"Authorization": "Token ad6a56f22bba5043a1df2bc44655f205be7057a3"
Read flutter documentation for more info.
How to pass json data using 'get-profile-info/username/' endpoint-
Pass image file into "profile"
Example - 'update-profile-info/ishfak/'
"user": "ishfak",
"contact": "231341234",
"image": "image.jpeg",
"address":"Hotel the peninsuela, GEC, Chittagong, Bangladesh",
"shopName": "2312"
and pass headers{
"Authorization": "Token ad6a56f22bba5043a1df2bc44655f205be7057a3"
Read flutter documentation for more info.
How to pass json data using 'add-coffee/' endpoint-
In image field pass the image file and in shopName you need to use register shop name from server, Otherwise it will throw an error
"name": "Espresso",
"image": "test.jpg"
"ratings": "5",
"taste": "excellent",
"coffeeType": "cappuccino",
"description": "desc......"
"price": "250",
"shopName": "test",
"user": "test"
and pass headers{
"Authorization": "Token ad6a56f22bba5043a1df2bc44655f205be7057a3"
Read flutter documentation for more info.
Use 'get-coffee/' to get all coffee items from server
and pass headers{
"Authorization": "Token ad6a56f22bba5043a1df2bc44655f205be7057a3"
Read flutter documentation for more info.
Use 'get-single-item/coffee_id/' to get single coffee item from server
and pass headers{
"Authorization": "Token ad6a56f22bba5043a1df2bc44655f205be7057a3"
Read flutter documentation for more info.
How to pass json data using 'update-coffee/coffee_id/' endpoint-
Remember it is not necessary to use all fields. Use those fields you want to update.
If you want to update coffee name then just use name field-
"name": "test"
All fields-
"name": "Espresso",
"image": "test.jpg"
"ratings": "5",
"taste": "excellent",
"coffeeType": "cappuccino",
"description": "desc......"
"price": "250",
"shopName": "test",
"user": "test"
and pass headers{
"Authorization": "Token ad6a56f22bba5043a1df2bc44655f205be7057a3"
Read flutter documentation for more info.
How to pass json data using 'add-recommended-coffee/' endpoint-
You need to pass the coffee_name
"recommend": coffee_name,
and pass headers{
"Authorization": "Token ad6a56f22bba5043a1df2bc44655f205be7057a3"
Read flutter documentation for more info.
Use 'get-recommended-coffee/' to get all coffee items from server
and pass headers{
"Authorization": "Token ad6a56f22bba5043a1df2bc44655f205be7057a3"
Read flutter documentation for more info.
Use 'delete-recommended-coffee/recommended_coffee_id/' to delete a coffee item from recommended coffee table
and pass headers{
"Authorization": "Token ad6a56f22bba5043a1df2bc44655f205be7057a3"
Read flutter documentation for more info.
Use 'add-is-favourite/' to add an item as favourite.
How to pass json data using the endpoint-
"user": "test",
"favourite": true,
"coffee": "test"
Remember you need to pass a register coffee name to add the item as favourite. you will get the item from 'get-coffee'
and pass headers{
"Authorization": "Token ad6a56f22bba5043a1df2bc44655f205be7057a3"
Read flutter documentation for more info.
Use 'get-is-favourite/' to get all favourite items that user marked as favourite
and pass headers{
"Authorization": "Token ad6a56f22bba5043a1df2bc44655f205be7057a3"
Read flutter documentation for more info.
Use 'is-favourite/favourite_id/' to remove an item from favourite list
How to pass json data using the endpoint-
"favourite": false
and pass headers{
"Authorization": "Token ad6a56f22bba5043a1df2bc44655f205be7057a3"
Read flutter documentation for more info.
Use 'get-order/' to get all order.
and pass headers{
"Authorization": "Token ad6a56f22bba5043a1df2bc44655f205be7057a3"
Read flutter documentation for more info.
How to pass json data using 'make-order/' endpoint-
"user": "test",
"coffee_id": 1,
"name": "test",
"size": "M",
"quantity": 1,
"address": "Chittagong",
"contact": "017****"
and pass headers{
"Authorization": "Token ad6a56f22bba5043a1df2bc44655f205be7057a3"
Read flutter documentation for more info.
Use 'delete-order/order_id/' to delete an order from server. You need to pass the order id to delete an order.
and pass headers{
"Authorization": "Token ad6a56f22bba5043a1df2bc44655f205be7057a3"
Read flutter documentation for more info.
Use 'get-shop-name/' to fetch all the shop name with details
and pass headers{
"Authorization": "Token ad6a56f22bba5043a1df2bc44655f205be7057a3"
Read flutter documentation for more info.
Use 'get-shop-name/shop_name/' to fetch the required shop name with details
and pass headers{
"Authorization": "Token ad6a56f22bba5043a1df2bc44655f205be7057a3"
Read flutter documentation for more info.