- id (Unique id for each patient)
- age (Age of the patient in years)
- origin (place of study)
- sex (Male/Female)
- cp chest pain type ([typical angina, atypical angina, non-anginal, asymptomatic])
- trestbps resting blood pressure (resting blood pressure (in mm Hg on admission to the hospital))
- chol (serum cholesterol in mg/dl)
- fbs (if fasting blood sugar > 120 mg/dl)
- restecg (resting electrocardiographic results)
- Values: [normal, stt abnormality, lv hypertrophy]
- thalch: maximum heart rate achieved
- exang: exercise-induced angina (True/ False)
- oldpeak: ST depression induced by exercise relative to rest
- slope: the slope of the peak exercise ST segment
- ca: number of major vessels (0-3) colored by fluoroscopy
- thal: [normal; fixed defect; reversible defect]
- num: the predicted attribute
- sex: There are 194 females and 726 males in the dataset.
- dataset: The data comes from multiple sources with the following counts - Cleveland: 304, Hungary: 293, Switzerland: 123, VA Long Beach: 200.
- cp (Chest Pain Type): There are four types of chest pain recorded in the dataset with the following counts - asymptomatic: 496, atypical angina: 174, non-anginal: 204, typical angina: 46.
- fbs (Fasting Blood Sugar): 138 individuals have fasting blood sugar greater than 120 mg/dl (True), and 692 do not (False).
- restecg (Resting Electrocardiographic Results): The results are distributed as - normal: 551, LV hypertrophy: 188, ST-T abnormality: 179.
- exang (Exercise-Induced Angina): 337 individuals experience exercise-induced angina (True), while 528 do not (False).
- slope (Slope of the Peak Exercise ST Segment): The slopes are recorded as - flat: 345, upsloping: 203, downsloping: 63.
- thal (Thalium Stress Test Result): The results are distributed as - reversable defect: 192, fixed defect: 46, normal: 196.
- id: int64
- age: int64
- sex: object (string)
- dataset: object (string)
- cp: object (string)
- trestbps: float64
- chol: float64
- fbs: object (string, likely boolean)
- restecg: object (string)
- thalch: float64
- exang: object (string, likely boolean)
- oldpeak: float64
- slope: object (string)
- ca: float64
- thal: object (string)
- num: int64
- id: 0 missing
- age: 0 missing
- sex: 0 missing
- dataset: 0 missing
- cp (chest pain type): 0 missing
- trestbps (resting blood pressure): 59 missing
- chol (serum cholesterol): 30 missing
- fbs (fasting blood sugar): 90 missing
- restecg (resting electrocardiographic results): 2 missing
- thalch (maximum heart rate achieved): 55 missing
- exang (exercise-induced angina): 55 missing
- oldpeak: 62 missing
- slope (slope of the peak exercise ST segment): 309 missing
- ca (number of major vessels colored by fluoroscopy): 611 missing
- thal: 486 missing
- num: 0 missing